Two Americas


In early January 2020, Bob Lonsberry, a Rochester talk radio personality on WHAM 1180 AM, said this in response to Biden’s Income inequality speech: Two Americas The Democrats are right, ...

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Why a Standing Army and a Welfare State?

One of the major distinguishing characteristics, philosophically speaking, between our American ancestors and today’s Americans is with respect to the national-security establishment. Our ancestors fiercely opposed that type of governmental ...

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1984 The Operation Manual for the Omnipresent Surveillance State

1984 by George Orwell has become an operation manual for the omnipresent  surveillance state  made up of government and corporations. It’s been more than 70 years since Orwell—dying, beset by ...

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Government Violence

This is a Government?

What do you believe? Some would say this is a government full of violence and overreach.  Is it still of the People, by The People and for the People?  Do ...

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The Real Constitutional Crisis

By: Laurence M. Vance According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a crisis (plural: crises) is: 1a: the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or feverb: a paroxysmal attack ...

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Don’t go to work, don’t go to church and don’t gather, unless the government approves

by Andrew P. Napolitano - The Washington Times For two months now, most of America has endured a government-imposed lockdown. I hate to use that word — lockdown — as ...

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The Lie of “Separation of Church and State” & the U.S. Supreme Court’s Usurpations of Power.

By Publius Huldah 1.  How did it happen that our country became a land where Christian children are forbidden to use the word, “God”, in the public schools; public school ...

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A Time to Disobey

by Kurt T. Lash - Law & Liberty There are two ways to think about the current shut-down and its effect on religious liberty. One way views the matter through ...

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USMCA “Trade Agreement”, the North American Union, an Article V convention, and Red Flag Laws: Connecting the Dots

By Publius Huldah The Globalists have long been in the process of setting up a dictatorial and totalitarian oligarchy over the United States. Now they are putting the last pieces ...

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Taylor and Jefferson on Secession

By Brion McClanahan on Nov 6, 2019 One of the most enduring myths of American history centers on the “compact theory” of the Constitution. According to the standard interpretation, Thomas Jefferson and his ...

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