
From Nixon to Biden: How the US Turned Banks into Spy Networks

By: Mike Maharrey     “Americans do not have financial privacy, really at all. We have this illusion of financial privacy.” Cato policy analyst Nicholas Anthony summed it up bluntly in an ...

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The Social Security and Medicare Scams

By: Laurence M. Vance     Charlotte Cowles is a financial advice columnist for The Cut, “a New York Magazine site dedicated to women’s lives and interests, including politics, work, money, relationships, ...

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The FDIC: Another Dark Legacy of FDR

May 10, 2023 Economy / FDIC / Federal Programs 0

By: Jacob Hornberger In 1933, the Franklin Roosevelt Administration brought into existence the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Along with FDR’s nationalization of gold, his adoption of a paper-money system, his enactment ...

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What Republicans Aren’t Saying about Food Stamps

By: Laurence M. Vance According to Democrats and their allies at progressive and liberal outlets, millions of Americans are going to go to bed hungry or starving to death because the ...

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James Madison’s Last Day in Office: Veto of the “Bonus Bill”

By: Dave Benner As his last official act as President, James Madison vetoed a bill that would provide federal funding for building roads and canals throughout the United States. Today in ...

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Why Can’t We Sue the TSA For Assault?

April 20, 2022 Federal Programs 0

by Ron Paul When I was in Congress and had to regularly fly between DC and Texas, I was routinely subjected to invasive “pat-downs” (physical assaults) by the Transportation Security Administration ...

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Republicans Miss the Real Issue Regarding TSA Scanners

By: Laurence M. Vance The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is back in the news again, and, as usual, it is not because the agency did something noteworthy. The TSA was established ...

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The Government’s Kill Switch for Your Car, Your Freedoms and Your Life

by: John Whitehead “A psychotic world we live in. The madmen are in power.” —Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle If we haven’t learned by now, we should ...

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Benjamin Franklin on “Doing Good to the Poor”

The federal government lacks any legitimate constitutional authority to establish welfare programs for the poor. Not only that, the federal welfare system fails in its promise to “help the poor” ...

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Two Americas


In early January 2020, Bob Lonsberry, a Rochester talk radio personality on WHAM 1180 AM, said this in response to Biden’s Income inequality speech: Two Americas The Democrats are right, ...

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