
Yet Another Example of How Written Constitutions Don’t Enforce Themselves

By: TJ Martinell Constitutions don’t enforce themselves. That’s why James Madison called them “parchment barriers.” While there are plenty of examples of this at the federal level, it’s worth looking at ...

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The Constitution, Congress and Government Debt

By: Judge Andrew Napolitano What would you do if you were driving a vehicle and came upon a traffic light that had both red and green lights on? Most rational folks ...

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The War on Free Speech is Really a War on the Right to Criticize the Government

By: John Whitehead Absolutely, there is a war on free speech. To be more accurate, however, the war on free speech is really a war on the right to criticize the ...

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What Republicans Aren’t Saying about Food Stamps

By: Laurence M. Vance According to Democrats and their allies at progressive and liberal outlets, millions of Americans are going to go to bed hungry or starving to death because the ...

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Geofence Surveillance: First, They Spied on Protesters. Then Churches. You’re Next

By: John Whitehead If you give the government an inch, it will always take a mile. This is how the slippery slope to all-out persecution starts. This particular slippery slope has ...

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Why Not Let Banks Fail?

March 20, 2023 Current Events / Economy 0

By: Jacob Hornberger Imagine that for the last 100 years, the federal government’s policy was to bail out every business that was in danger of going under. The policy would consist ...

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Spying In Plain Sight

By: Judge Andrew Napolitano Last week, the Biden administration asked Congress to permit its agents to continue to spy on Americans without search warrants. The actual request was to re-authorize Section ...

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War and the Constitution

By: Judge Andrew Napolitano Can the president fight any war he wishes? Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional and legal requirements that must first be met before ...

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The Cost of the Nation’s Endless Wars

By: John Whitehead Oh, the hypocrisy. To hear President Biden talk about the Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, you might imagine that Putin is the only dictator bent on expanding his military empire ...

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The FBI and Personal Liberty

By: Judge Andrew Napolitano Among the lesser-known holes in the Constitution cut by the Patriot Act of 2001 was the destruction of the “wall” between federal law enforcement and federal spies. ...

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