
Blueprint for States to Take On Warrantless Federal Surveillance

September 7, 2018 Constitution / State Sovereignty 0

Can states take on warrantless, mass surveillance from the NSA and other federal agencies? The first steps are already happening. A new law went into effect in Michigan in June ...

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Vetting Kavanaugh According to the Constitution

September 7, 2018 Constitution / SCOTUS 0

When Donald Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh for the supreme Court, he did what is likely the most important act a president of these United States can possibly do, constitutionally speaking. ...

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Cody Wilson and Strategy for Nullification

September 7, 2018 Constitution / Nullification 0

Nullification starts with individuals figuring out ways to do what the government says they can’t. Cody Wilson did just that when he came up with an end-run around a federal ...

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Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase

September 7, 2018 Constitution / Government / History 0

When we discuss the evolution of presidential power in early American history, it is sometimes alleged that the Louisiana Purchase was a particularly unconstitutional act and an example of presidential ...

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No! Enforcing Unconstitutional Acts Will Not “Save the System”

September 7, 2018 Constitution / Government / Liberty 0

Apparently, a lot of people want the feds to enforce unconstitutional laws because refusing to do so will “break the system.” Recently, we released a report showing the Trump administration ...

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The Astronomical Price of America’s Undeclared Wars

August 26, 2018 Foreign Policy / Government 0

According to a study by the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University, since 2001, America’s wars have cost $5.6 trillion. That equates to $23,000 per taxpayer. ...

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Is Early Impeachment Practice Relevant to Original Meaning?

August 26, 2018 Constitution / Government / History 0

by Michael Stokes Paulsen In my most recent several posts in this series, I set forth the nearly overwhelming case for a broad understanding of “high Crime and Misdemeanors” as ...

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It is time for a second Special Counsel

August 23, 2018 Government / Uncategorized 0

By Printus LeBlanc Something very disturbing happened on Tuesday that sent the media into a frenzy. On the same day, the Paul Manafort was found guilty on bank fraud and ...

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Originalism Encompasses Text and Structure

August 23, 2018 Constitution 0

I had the pleasure of being on panel with Pamela Karlan of Stanford Law School at the Eighth Circuit Judicial conference. There she set forth a view of the “modalities” ...

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James Madison’s Instruction: Throw a Fit!

August 23, 2018 Nullification 0

What should the average person do when the federal government oversteps its constitutional bounds? Throw a fit! That’s what James Madison recommended when he laid out a blueprint for dealing ...

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