
The Electoral College: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

By: Mike Maharrey The Electoral College has become a hotly contested issue in American politics with a strong and vocal movement to do away with the institution and instead select ...

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What the Framers really said about the purpose of amendments to our Constitution

March 25, 2019 Amendments / Constitution 0

By Publius Huldah One of the silliest of the many unsupported claims made by those lobbying for an Article V convention is that our Framers said that when the federal ...

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Treaties Don’t Trump the Constitution, Cannabis Edition: Good Morning Liberty

By: Michael Boldin Here’s something that should be obvious – the federal government isn’t authorized to implement treaties that override the limitations on their power under the constitution.

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Donald Trump signs executive order promoting free speech on college campus

Here are the Constitutional uses of Executive Orders: To enforce Constitutional laws passed by congressTo NOT enforce unconstitutional laws passed by congressGeneral Housekeeping in the Executive BranchExecutive orders are to ...

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San Diego Has Been Turned Into a Massive Chinese-Style Public Surveillance Network

By: jprivate Can you imagine a city in the United States secretly creating a Chinese-style public surveillance network that can identify everyone? Can you imagine that same city secretly creating ...

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Giving Federalism the Middle Finger

By: Suzanne Sherman The impulse to turn everything into a federal case – even something a personal as an obscene finger gesture – flips the middle finger at the political ...

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Don’t Fall for the National Popular Vote – Enforce the Electoral College!

What is the Constitutional ramifications of State legislatures voting on bills that give all electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote nationally  ? These actions will result in ...

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Trashing the 12th Amendment with the National Popular Vote

By Publius Huldah The compact for a National Popular Vote (NPV) is a destructive scheme. Yet it’s been approved by several States; and is pending in others. Since the text ...

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No! The Electoral College Was Not about Slavery!

by Gary L. Gregg II The American people have learned much about the Electoral College since the November election. Much has been learned about the origins, evolution and contemporary functioning ...

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The Incorporation Doctrine and the Bill of Rights

by Michael Maharrey In my last Constitution 101 post, I established that the Bill of Rights was not originally intended to apply to the states. But lawyers and other supporters ...

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