
Don’t Trust the Government. Not with Your Privacy, Property or Your Freedoms

By: John Whitehead   Public trust in the government to “do what is right” understandably remains at an all-time low. After all, how do you trust a government that continuously sidesteps the ...

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End the unconstitutional vaccination mandate!

President Biden, the Constitution you swore on the Bible to “preserve, protect, and defend” gives you very limited authority. You are not a dictator. That Constitution was ratified only because ...

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Still Searching for the Judicial “Holy Grail”

by Mark Pulliam   When I studied Constitutional Law some 40 years ago, the Slaughter-House Cases (1873) warranted scarcely a footnote. The scholarly consensus—including Raoul Berger’s Government by Judiciary (1977)—was ...

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Decriminalize. An important strategy for Gun Rights: Good Morning Liberty 04-08-19

By: Michael Boldin While most efforts to take on gun control focus heavily on the courts, there are other efforts that could end up being more important in practice and ...

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Gun Control, the Dick Act of 1903, Bills of Attainder & Ex Post Facto Laws

by Publius Huldah The latest round of rubbish flooding our in boxes is an ignorant rant claiming that the Dick Act of 1903 (which the purveyors of rubbish claim respects ...

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The Green Bad Deal

by Ron Paul The recently-proposed Green New Deal is proof that climate change is for progressive Democrats what terrorism is for neoconservative Republicans: a ready-made excuse to expand government and ...

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Massachusetts Bill Would Take Step to Block Federal Militarization of Police

April 2, 2019 DHS / Federalism / Liberty / Overreach 0

By: Mike Maharrey BOSTON, Mass. (March 28, 2019) – A bill introduced in the Massachusetts House would take a first step toward limiting the impact of federal programs that militarize ...

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Sheriff: You’ll Have To Arrest Me Before I Enforce This Unconstitutional Gun Control Law

Beth Baumann A Sheriff in Colorado told CNN he would rather go to jail than to enforce the state's proposed Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs), commonly referred to as "red ...

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Supreme Court Lets Trump’s Bump Stock Ban Stand

By: TJ Martinell WASHINGTON (March 31, 2019) – In the film Princess Bride, Wesley tells the revenge-bent Indigo Montoya to “get used to disappointment.” This is also good advice for ...

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