
The 2nd Amendment: 3 main reasons it exists

June 22, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Michael Boldin 1. Individual, natural right of self-defense. 2. In defense of liberty, the union, and the states. 3. To prevent the “greatest threat to liberty” – large standing armies. ...

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Refuse to Cooperate: How the Colonies Responded to the Boston Port Act

By: Mike Maharrey James Madison gave us a blueprint to stop “unwarrantable” government actions (or even “warrantable” actions that happen to be unpopular) in Federalist #46. Madison wrote that “a refusal to cooperate with ...

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Lysander Spooner’s Strategy to Stop Unconstitutional Acts

June 2, 2022 Strategery 0

By: Mike Maharrey Resist. That was Lysander Spooner’s strategy to stop unconstitutional acts that was very much in line with James Madison and other prominent founders. Spooner was a prominent 19th-century ...

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The Original Meaning of “Necessary” in the Necessary and Proper Clause

By: TJ Martinell One of the most significant (and often abused) clauses in the U.S. Constitution is the “Necessary and Proper” Clause. The clause states: “The Congress shall have Power… To ...

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Separation of Powers: A “Dogmatic Maxim” in the Constitution

By: Michael Boldin James Madison considered the separation of powers so important he not only called it a “dogmatic maxim,” he expressly included it as part of his proposed amendments for ...

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Taxation: The Price We Pay…

May 9, 2022 Federal Power / Taxation 0

By: Mike Maharrey Tax day 2021 came and went. I don’t know about you, but my wallet is lighter. As always, I had to write a big check to the IRS. ...

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Taxation is Theft is Actually a Big Understatement

April 21, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Michael Boldin A lot of my friends like to use the phrase “taxation is theft.” I do as well. But if we adopted the view of James Madison – we’d ...

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James Madison and the Necessary and Proper Clause

By: Mike Maharrey “Necessary and proper” ranks among the most abused clauses in the Constitution. It has been dubbed the “elastic clause” because of the perception that it allows the scope ...

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Defend the Constitution

James Madison and the Case Against Compromise

Over the three days spanning from July 2 to July 5, 1787, the attendees at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia approved a resolution that would sufficiently satisfy the demands of ...

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Benjamin Franklin on “Doing Good to the Poor”

The federal government lacks any legitimate constitutional authority to establish welfare programs for the poor. Not only that, the federal welfare system fails in its promise to “help the poor” ...

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