State Legislature

State Legislatures | The Constitution

Multiple references to "state assemblies" in the Constitution we call State Legislatures pose complex and important questions. The key question is whether we can have a clear answer to the ...

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Federalism Is the Best Step

Although the word Federalism does not appear in the Constitution, federalism is the best practice, it is one of the most important and innovative concepts in it.  When the Constitution ...

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Arkansas Senate Passes Bill to Create Process to Review and Reject Presidential Executive Orders

March 19, 2021 State Sovereignty 0

By: Mike Maharrey LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (March 17, 2021) – Yesterday, the Arkansas Senate passed a bill that would create a mechanism to review presidential executive orders and end state cooperation ...

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New Evidence: The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 Were All About Nullification

By: Mike Maharrey Nullification skeptics will often argue that the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 weren’t actually proposing nullification. They base their argument on the fact that John Breckinridge removed specific references ...

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If Our Republic’s Constitution Still Matters…

December 31, 2020 AMERICAN LIBERTY / RULE OF LAW 0

It Is Time for a Constitutional Confederation of States by Mark Alexander — The Patriot Post “The crisis is arrived when we must assert our rights, or submit to every ...

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The First Amendment’s Wall of Separation

December 21, 2020 1st Amendment 0

By: Mike Maharrey In an 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Association, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their ...

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You Should Barely Know the Federal Government Exists

December 1, 2020 10th Amendment 0

By: Mike Maharrey Thomas Jefferson called the Tenth Amendment “The foundation of the Constitution.” “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the ...

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The Nature of the Federal Government

November 11, 2020 Uncategorized 0

By: Mike Maharrey We have flipped the American constitutional system on its head. It operates exactly the opposite of how the supporters of the Constitution said it would. So, what type ...

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Does the Creature Dictate to the Creator?

June 23, 2020 Constitution 0

By Publius Huldah WHERE did the federal government come from? It was CREATED by the Constitution. WHO ratified the Constitution? WE THE PEOPLE, acting through special ratifying conventions called in ...

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Constitutionally, Religious Gatherings Must Enjoy the Same Rights As Protest Gatherings

June 20, 2020 Uncategorized 0

By Walter Olson Ten days can be a long time in constitutional law. On May 29 a closely divided U.S. Supreme Court, with Chief Justice John Roberts joining the four more liberal ...

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