
How to Interpret the Constitution, and How Not to

June 15, 2022 Constitution 0

By: TJ Martinell How does one properly interpret the U.S. Constitution? Is originalism just a codeword used by “conservatives” to interpret it in the same manner as “liberals” view it as ...

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Setting a Foundation: The Virginia Declaration of Rights

By: Mike Maharrey On June 12, 1776, the Virginia House of Burgesses passed the Virginia Declaration of Rights. It is arguably the most important founding document that most people have never heard ...

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The First Salvo in the Ratification Debates: James Wilson’s State House Speech

By: Bob Fiedler While most people today think of the Federalist Papers as the leading defense of the Constitution’s original meaning, it was actually a speech by James Wilson that had a far ...

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Lysander Spooner’s Strategy to Stop Unconstitutional Acts

June 2, 2022 Strategery 0

By: Mike Maharrey Resist. That was Lysander Spooner’s strategy to stop unconstitutional acts that was very much in line with James Madison and other prominent founders. Spooner was a prominent 19th-century ...

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Patrick Henry Demands a Bill of Rights

By: TJ Martinell On June 7, 1788, Patrick Henry delivered one of many long speeches at the Virginia Ratifying Convention, demanding the inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the proposed U.S. Constitution ...

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Tench Coxe on State vs Federal Power under the Constitution

May 13, 2022 Constitution 0

By: Mike Maharrey The federal government has no constitutional authority to do the vast majority of the things it does today. Of course, this truth runs counter to conventional wisdom and ...

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The Biggest Threat to Our Freedom and Well-Being

By: Jacob Hornberger There are some important things to note about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Our rights do not come from the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. ...

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What Is an Unconstitutional Law?

April 8, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Mike Maharrey You can describe any federal action outside the delegated powers of the Constitution in one word. Void    

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James Madison and the Necessary and Proper Clause

By: Mike Maharrey “Necessary and proper” ranks among the most abused clauses in the Constitution. It has been dubbed the “elastic clause” because of the perception that it allows the scope ...

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Points to Ponder on the Constitution and Foreign Policy

March 30, 2022 Constitution 0

By: Jacob Hornberger   1. When the Constitution called the federal government into existence, the federal government was not vested with omnipotent powers. Instead, the federal government’s powers were limited to ...

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