
Setting a Foundation: The Virginia Declaration of Rights

By: Mike Maharrey On June 12, 1776, the Virginia House of Burgesses passed the Virginia Declaration of Rights. It is arguably the most important founding document that most people have never heard ...

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Patrick Henry Demands a Bill of Rights

By: TJ Martinell On June 7, 1788, Patrick Henry delivered one of many long speeches at the Virginia Ratifying Convention, demanding the inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the proposed U.S. Constitution ...

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Separation of Powers: A “Dogmatic Maxim” in the Constitution

By: Michael Boldin James Madison considered the separation of powers so important he not only called it a “dogmatic maxim,” he expressly included it as part of his proposed amendments for ...

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What’s the Point of the Ninth Amendment?

April 20, 2022 9th Amendment 0

By: Mike Maharrey You will often hear people claim that the Ninth Amendment “gives us all of the rights that aren’t listed in the Bill of Rights.” But that is not ...

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The Biggest Threat to Our Freedom and Well-Being

By: Jacob Hornberger There are some important things to note about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Our rights do not come from the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. ...

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Yet Another Federal Court Fail

By: Mike Maharrey Conservatives and libertarians often count on the federal courts to “protect their rights.” This is a bad strategy. Most of the time it fails. Instead of protecting rights, ...

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The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a Natural Right

December 21, 2020 2nd Amendment 0

By: Jacob Hornberger There are those among the gun-control crowd who advocate repealing the Second Amendment. They think that by doing so, they would be prohibiting people from owning guns. Unfortunately, ...

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The First Amendment’s Wall of Separation

December 21, 2020 1st Amendment 0

By: Mike Maharrey In an 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Association, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their ...

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God and Guns Are None of Uncle Sam’s Business

September 27, 2019 Federal Power 0

By: Jackson Pemberton The pro-gunners want Congress to do this. The anti-gunners what Congress to do that. Same for religious issues. Well, there are 102 major legislative bodies in the ...

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Today in History: 14th Amendment Ratified. Or Was it?

By: Dave Benner Today in 1868, the United States general government claimed that the 14th Amendment had received the endorsement of the requisite number of states to add it to ...

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