
Big Brother Has Hacked the Constitution

September 13, 2022 Surveillance / Surveillance State 0

By: Mike Maharrey Big Brother has hacked the Constitution. It has been over nine years since Edward Snowden released the first documents exposing the extent of NSA spying to the world. ...

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TSA Rolls Out Facial Recognition at LAX

By: Mike Maharrey The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) recently rolled out facial recognition technology at some Los Angeles International Airport security checkpoints. Called the next generation of Credential Authentication Technology (CAT), ...

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Police Use Contact Tracing and Geofencing to ID Protesters

June 3, 2020 Surveillance 0

By: jprivate Countless warnings about how law enforcement could use contact-tracing apps to monitor people have gone unheeded. As revealed police are using contact tracing to identify protester’s affiliations. “According to Minnesota Public ...

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Task Force Floats Health Surveillance System

May 14, 2020 Surveillance 0

By: jprivate When is enough, enough? How many national surveillance systems does America need? President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has created a task force that wants to create a real-time ...

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America Ranks as Fourth-Worst Abuser of Biometric Privacy in the World

January 8, 2020 Surveillance 0

By: jprivate Does anyone really believe America is still the land of the free? Since 9/11, DHS, the FBI, the CIA, and countless other alphabet soup agencies have turned the ...

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Surveillance: You’d Better Chose Wisely

September 28, 2019 Surveillance 0

By: Mike Maharrey I’ve often joked that George Orwell’s novel 1984 was meant to be a warning, not an instruction manual. And yet every day the U.S. marches closer and ...

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A Nightmarish Army of Unblinking Spies

September 6, 2019 Surveillance 0

By: Mike Maharrey The surveillance state constantly expands. That thing that seems like no big deal today can suddenly become a big deal as technology evolves. Take the proliferation of ...

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More Spying and Lying

August 30, 2019 Surveillance 0

By: Judge Andrew Napolitano While most of us have been thinking about the end of summer and while the political class frets over the Democratic presidential debates and the aborted ...

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The CIA’s “Intelligence Authorization Act” Would Criminalize Whistleblowers and Reporters

July 27, 2019 Congress / Surveillance 0

By: jprivate A CIA written Bill called the Intelligence Authorization Act (SB 3153) would criminalize whistleblowers and reporters. Section 733 Sense of Congress on WikiLeaks: “It is the sense of Congress that ...

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Congress Fails to Rein in Warrantless Surveillance. Again

By: Mike Maharrey WASHINGTON (June 20, 2019) – Congress once again refused to limit warrantless spying by the NSA and other federal agencies. Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) and Rep. Zoe ...

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