Mainstream Media Still Stupid on Nullification
Well, it’s been a while since I’ve had the opportunity to take apart a mainstream news report on nullification. You probably won’t be surprised when I tell you that after ...
Read more.Perpetual Inflation vs. Sound Money
by Alex J. Pollock Among the most important financial forces in the world are fashions in central bankers’ ideas. The dominant central bank fashion in recent years is the notion ...
Read more.Our low-IQ elites strike again: our acting Atty Gen supports nullification!
By: Thomas Woods Evidently the acting Attorney General believes, correctly, that the states have the power to nullify unconstitutional federal laws. So the usual suspects went berserk, and trotted out ...
Read more.10 Myths About the U.S. Constitution Most Congressmen Believe
A recent article on MSN is headlined: “10 Myths About the U.S. Constitution Most Americans Believe.” Here are the ten myths: The Constitution is on hemp paper. The Constitution has ...
Read more.Birth of the U.S. Marine Corps
During the American Revolution, the Continental Congress passes a resolution stating that “two Battalions of Marines be raised” for service as landing forces for the recently formed Continental Navy. The ...
Read more.In The Case of “Birthright Citizenship”
Concerning the 14th Amendment, like the rest of the Constitution, the so-called "Progressives" don't mind the rest of us upholding the Constitution, so long as they are the only one who gets ...
An interesting critique of Positive Law and defense of Natural Law. <Read Here>
Read more.Due Process Clause – 5th Amendment
The Due Process Clause of the 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution promises that no one can have their life, liberty or property taken away without Due Process. What ...
Read more.Jefferson, Locke, and the Declaration of Independence
An interesting article about Natural Law and the original meaning of the critical words in our Declaration <Click Here>
Read more.Gordon Wood’s Reflections on the Constitution and Slavery
At Northwestern University Law School’s Lincoln Lecture, endowed by my colleague Steve Calabresi, we had the great good fortune to hear a talk by Gordon Wood, the leading historian of ...
Read more.