
Judge Andrew Napolitano: Have we forgotten that only Congress can declare war?

December 13, 2018 Constitution / Legislature / POTUS 0

Today's topic: presidential war-making powers. A popular way to begin the first day of class in constitutional law in many American law schools is to ask the students what sets ...

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Why Supreme Court Opinions Are Not the “Law of the Land”, and How to Put Federal judges in Their Place

December 10, 2018 Constitution / SCOTUS 0

By Publius Huldah Central to the silly arguments made by the “Convention of States Project” (COSP) is their claim that 200 years of Supreme Court opinions have increased the powers ...

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Socialism and the Law of the Jungle

December 10, 2018 Government / History / Natural Law 0

When you step onto the soil of backcountry Alaska, you lose your place at the top of the food chain. And you’d better be aware of that because the grizzly ...

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It’s time to truly test the constitutionality of Obamacare

December 5, 2018 Constitution / Government 0

Court challenges to the facetiously named “Affordable Care Act” — “Obamacare” — are more important than ever. Asked about the constitutional basis for Obamacare, Democratic Michigan Rep. John Conyers — ...

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Real Purpose of the Senate: To Check the Actions of the House

December 5, 2018 Constitution / Government 0

Niccolò Machiavelli was one of the principal architects of American constitutionalism. A heterodox thinker in his day, Machiavelli observed in his Discourses on Livy (1531): “Those who blame the quarrels ...

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Support BBFL While Shopping on Amazon !

November 26, 2018 Uncategorized 0

Did you know your purchases can make a difference? AmazonSmile donates to Building Blocks for Liberty when you do your holiday shopping at You can do your holiday shopping ...

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Mainstream Media Still Stupid on Nullification

November 15, 2018 Constitution / Nullification 0

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve had the opportunity to take apart a mainstream news report on nullification. You probably won’t be surprised when I tell you that after ...

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Perpetual Inflation vs. Sound Money

November 14, 2018 Bureaucracy / Constitution / Government 0

by Alex J. Pollock Among the most important financial forces in the world are fashions in central bankers’ ideas. The dominant central bank fashion in recent years is the notion ...

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Our low-IQ elites strike again: our acting Atty Gen supports nullification!

November 14, 2018 Uncategorized 0

By: Thomas Woods Evidently the acting Attorney General believes, correctly, that the states have the power to nullify unconstitutional federal laws. So the usual suspects went berserk, and trotted out ...

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10 Myths About the U.S. Constitution Most Congressmen Believe

November 10, 2018 Constitution / Legislature 0

A recent article on MSN is headlined: “10 Myths About the U.S. Constitution Most Americans Believe.” Here are the ten myths: The Constitution is on hemp paper. The Constitution has ...

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