
Bringing Back Gold Clause Contracts: A Challenge to the Fed

By: Mike Maharrey   One of the ways the government maintains its fiat money system is by throwing up legal and regulatory roadblocks to those wanting to use real money. Bringing ...

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How the Federal Reserve Backstops the Biggest Government in History

By: Mike Maharrey   The Federal Reserve is the engine that drives the biggest government in history. Without the central bank’s machinations, the U.S. government wouldn’t be able to borrow and spend ...

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Executive Order 6102: A Deep Dive into FDR’s Gold Confiscation Program

By: Mike Maharrey   Franklin D. Roosevelt’s gold confiscation order in 1933 attempted to remove most gold from private hands. But due to widespread noncompliance, it ultimately failed to accomplish that ...

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Ohio Bill Would Ban the Use of a Central Bank Digital Currency as Money in the State

By: Mike Maharrey COLUMBUS, Ohio (May 15, 2023) – A bill introduced in the Ohio House would expressly exclude a central bank digital currency (CBDC) from the definition of money in ...

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Central Bank Digital Currency: Paper Money isn’t the Solution

By: Mike Maharrey Physical paper money solves some of the privacy and security issues inherent in central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). But a lot of people seem to have forgotten that ...

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by Michael Maharrey In the wake of two bank failures, on Sunday, March 12, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury announced a bank bailout program that could be dubbed ...

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Unsustainable: Record Spending Can’t Go On Forever

November 10, 2022 Economy / Federal Spending 0

By: Mike Maharrey The biggest government in history is effectively running on credit cards. The U.S .government ran a $1.38 trillion budget deficit in fiscal 2022 despite government receipts at near-record ...

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The Founders Predicted our Economic Crisis

By: Michael Boldin Did Thomas Jefferson call the economic crisis? “Every thing predicted by the enemies of banks, in the beginning, is now coming to pass. we are to be ruined ...

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Paper Money Is Evil

June 22, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Mike Maharrey Thomas Paine warned us about the evils of paper money. We’re seeing the results of that evil in rampant inflation today.    

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The Fed, and No One Else, Is Responsible for Inflation

June 22, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Jacob Hornberger According to commentators in the mainstream press and various federal officials, inflation is like the coronavirus. It spreads around the world, hitting different countries in different ways. Sometimes ...

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