
17th Amendment: How it Broke the Safeguard Against Consolidation

By: Michael Boldin   When the framers designed the Senate, they envisioned it as a safeguard for the states, with a key component being state legislatures choosing senators instead of the ...

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What Do We Do About it When the Feds Violate the Constitution?

By: Michael Boldin Most people tell us the way to deal with violations of the Constitution is to “vote the bums out” or to “sue them in federal court.” Most ...

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Oppose a Disease at its Beginning

By: Michael Boldin Here at the TAC, we take on a wide range of issues across the political spectrum. And invariably, any time we cover one, we hear some people ...

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San Diego Has Been Turned Into a Massive Chinese-Style Public Surveillance Network

By: jprivate Can you imagine a city in the United States secretly creating a Chinese-style public surveillance network that can identify everyone? Can you imagine that same city secretly creating ...

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The Lie of “Separation of Church and State” & the U.S. Supreme Court’s Usurpations of Power.

By Publius Huldah 1.  How did it happen that our country became a land where Christian children are forbidden to use the word, “God”, in the public schools; public school ...

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