
Free and Independent: The Foreign Policy of Washington and Jefferson

By: Michael Boldin     Anxious to preserve their hard-won independence, Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson championed a foreign policy centered on avoiding “entangling alliances.” They envisioned America pursuing peace, ...

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The ideas that formed the Constitution: Vattel and the Law of Nations

By: Rob Natelson Within the Constitution’s text are meanings most purported constitutional experts never see. They fail to see those meanings because they don’t take the trouble to learn enough about ...

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The Cost of the Nation’s Endless Wars

By: John Whitehead Oh, the hypocrisy. To hear President Biden talk about the Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, you might imagine that Putin is the only dictator bent on expanding his military empire ...

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Conservative Hypocrisy on Foreign Aid

By: Laurence M. Vance After initially threatening to veto it, Donald Trump signed into law a $2.3 trillion, 5,593-page spending bill that no member of Congress had read. The “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021” ...

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When will people be held accountable for dragging these United States into endless wars?

By Ted Galen Carpenter An explosion of criticism had erupted in Congress and the news media in response to President Trump’s decision to withdraw a small contingent of U.S. troops ...

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Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy About-Face: Top 4 Explanations

By: Michael Boldin Candidate Trump vs President Trump. A lot of people seem to be looking for explanations for what appears to be a complete about face on foreign policy. ...

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Treaties Don’t Trump the Constitution, Cannabis Edition: Good Morning Liberty

By: Michael Boldin Here’s something that should be obvious – the federal government isn’t authorized to implement treaties that override the limitations on their power under the constitution.

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War Spending Is Bankrupting America

By: John Whitehead Our nation is being preyed upon by a military industrial complex that is propped up by war profiteers, corrupt politicians and foreign governments. America has so much ...

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The USMCA “Trade Agreement” violates our Constitution and sets up Global Government

By Publius Huldah On November 30, 2018, President Trump, along with the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico, signed the United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) “Trade Agreement”. “Trade” is ...

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In The Case of “Birthright Citizenship”

October 31, 2018 Constitution / Foreign Policy / History 0

Concerning the 14th Amendment, like the rest of the Constitution, the so-called "Progressives" don't mind the rest of us upholding the Constitution, so long as they are the only one who gets ...

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