
A Future Justice Kavanaugh and Executive Privilege

July 3, 2018 Government / History 0

If a prosecutor one day decided to indict President Donald Trump, a future Justice Brett Kavanaugh might not be the one to stop it. Media reports, like this one over ...

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A Problematic Decision: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Failure to Recuse Herself in the Travel Ban Case

July 3, 2018 Government 0

The travel ban has now been approved by a majority of the Supreme Court. While that puts to rest – at least for the time being – the constitutionality of ...

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Saul Cornell’s Unfair Criticism of Originalists and Mike Ramsey

July 2, 2018 Constitution / History 0

Originalist critic Saul Cornell has written a new blog post attacking originalism. Cornell’s principal claim in this piece is that originalists misunderstand anti-originalist criticisms of originalism and his focus is ...

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The Founders on Federal Enforcement

July 2, 2018 Constitution / Government 0

Some people believe that all branches of the federal government should fully enforce all federal laws until they’re overturned by a court or repealed by Congress. But the Founders disagreed. ...

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Federal Wrecking Ball Destroying American Healthcare System

July 2, 2018 Government 0

It’s not just Obamacare that’s the problem. Now federal regulations are interfering in the direct primary care market too. The federal government is a giant wrecking ball destroying the American ...

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Thomas Paine on Natural Law

June 21, 2018 History / Liberty / Natural Law 0

If you've not had a chance to read Thomas Paine, this essay would be a good first 

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The Swamp – Can it be drained ?

June 10, 2018 Legislature 0

The Second Paragraph of the Declaration of Independence obligates each of us to implement a government that will respect the Life, Liberty, and Property of the citizens, just as each of ...

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The Original Meaning and The Exclusionary Rule

June 6, 2018 Constitution 0

In his recent concurrence in Collins v. Virginia, Justice Clarence Thomas argues that the exclusionary rule for Fourth Amendment violations should not be applied against the states. He states that ...

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The Recurring Natural Law

May 29, 2018 Natural Law 0

The American constitutional order is disintegrating. Members of Congress reject their duty to enact rational, coherent budgets or even to read, understand, and approve the legislation on which they vote. ...

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Anti-Commandeering: An overview of five major Supreme Court cases

May 29, 2018 Constitution / Government 0

The Supreme Court has long held that states do not have to actively participate in the enforcement or effectuation of federal acts or regulatory programs. James Madison’s advice for resisting ...

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