
Patrick Henry’s Virginia Resolves: Bedrock Principles of American Liberty

By: Michael Boldin   On his 29th birthday – May 29, 1765 – Patrick Henry helped spark the American Revolution. His Virginia Resolves against the Stamp Act not only dared to ...

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Clash of the Titans: Patrick Henry and James Madison and the Virginia Ratifying Convention of 1788

by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. Anytime anybody asks me what books I would recommend to someone who wants to learn more about the Constitution and to understand exactly what the Founding ...

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Patrick Henry’s Warning on “Implied Authority”

By: TJ Martinell Patrick Henry’s impassioned remarks during the final days of the Virginia Ratifying Convention were the culmination of week-long arguments between skeptics of the proposed Constitution and its supporters, such as ...

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A Dangerous Strategy

September 9, 2022 Founding Principles 0

By: Michael Boldin The impulse from many – left, right, libertarian, and the rest – to give the federal government more power to “protect liberty” from state and local governments might ...

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Patrick Henry Warns of a “Great and Mighty Empire”

By: TJ Martinell On June 5, 1788, Patrick Henry gave a speech at the Virginia Ratifying Convention warning that “consolidation” – centralizing of power – would turn the United States into a dangerous ...

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Resistance is Crucial to the Advancement of Liberty

August 26, 2022 Freedom / God-given Rights / Liberty 0

By: Mike Maharrey Patrick Henry told us that “government is no more than a choice among evils.” Thomas Paine held the same view. In Common Sense, he wrote, “Society in every state ...

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Patrick Henry’s Lesson on the Need for a Bill of Rights

By: TJ Martinell On June 12, 1788, Patrick Henry spoke during the Virginia Ratifying Convention, reiterating the need for a Bill of Rights in the proposed U.S. Constitution before its adoption. ...

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Whose Job is it to Keep the Feds in Line?

July 25, 2022 Founding Principles 0

By: Michael Boldin For the federal government to take even a “single step” beyond the limits of the Constitution, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “is to take possession of a boundless field of power, ...

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The 2nd Amendment: 3 main reasons it exists

June 22, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Michael Boldin 1. Individual, natural right of self-defense. 2. In defense of liberty, the union, and the states. 3. To prevent the “greatest threat to liberty” – large standing armies. ...

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Are You Morally Required to Obey?

June 2, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Michael Boldin A lot of people seem to treat government acts as something they’re morally required to obey – until repealed.   But this flies in the face of the ...

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