
Patrick Henry Demands a Bill of Rights

By: TJ Martinell On June 7, 1788, Patrick Henry delivered one of many long speeches at the Virginia Ratifying Convention, demanding the inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the proposed U.S. Constitution ...

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10th Amendment Essentials: Sovereignty and Resistance

By: Michael Boldin “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” ...

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The Midnight Ride of Jack Jouett that Saved Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry

By: Joe Wolverton, II Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of — Jack Jouett? Jouett’s mission, like that of his more famous fellow horseman, was to warn ...

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Patrick Henry: Give me Liberty or Give me Death!

March 25, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Michael Boldin On March 23, 1775 – less than a month before Lexington and Concord and the “shot heard round the world,” Patrick Henry offered a set of resolutions before ...

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Don’t Trust Government

By: Michael Boldin Don’t trust government. And don’t trust politicians. That can’t be repeated often enough. Unfortunately, it seems that most people trust politicians – depending on the issue or ...

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Top-5 Reasons to Not Trust Sheriffs: Virginia 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Edition

By: Michael Boldin People keep telling us that county sheriffs are taking a stand in Virginia. They’re refusing to enforce, they won’t participate, they support the 2nd Amendment. Here are ...

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Principle over Party: We Were Warned About “Factions”

By: Michael Boldin “I would quarrel with both parties, and with every individual of each,” John Adams wrote in 1763, “before I would subjugate my understanding, or prostitute my tongue ...

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Five Great Quotes from the Founders: Liberty, Loyalty, Defense and the “Real” American Revolution

By: Michael Boldin What should we be loyal to – a politician, a leader, a political party, or something else? How should we view political statements and actions to defend ...

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Patrick Henry: “If This Be Treason!”

July 11, 2019 History / Patrick Henry 0

By: Joe Wolverton II There was a time in our history when one of our finest patriot fathers is said to have waved the saber of “treason” in the face ...

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