
Eight Essential Principles Behind the 2nd Amendment

By: Michael Boldin   There is only one thing the ATF is authorized to do under the Constitution. Disband! This may sound like hyperbole, but when you understand the following eight ...

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The 2nd Amendment isn’t your “Gun Permit.” You Are.

By: Michael Boldin If you’re anything like me, your skin crawls anytime you hear someone say something like “the 2nd Amendment is the only gun permit I’ll ever need!” While I ...

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Supreme Court Opinion in Sackett v. EPA Restores Limits on the Power of the Bureaucracy

May 31, 2023 Constitution 0

by  Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. The Supreme Court issued an opinion Thursday dealing a blow to the Biden administration’s attempts to confiscate millions of acres of land by classifying them as “protected ...

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What Are Rights? This Is What the Founders Believed

December 9, 2022 Founding Principles 0

By: Dan Sanchez In 1776, the Declaration of Independence proclaimed that everyone is endowed with “unalienable Rights.” Years later, the Bill of Rights elaborated on those rights. Subsequently, the rights of ...

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Of the Natural Rights of Individuals

By: TJ Martinell Do people exist for the sake of government? Or is it the other way around?  That’s the question James Wilson attempts to answer in his 1790 work, “Of the ...

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The 2nd Amendment: 3 main reasons it exists

June 22, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Michael Boldin 1. Individual, natural right of self-defense. 2. In defense of liberty, the union, and the states. 3. To prevent the “greatest threat to liberty” – large standing armies. ...

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Natural Rights and Liberty

By: Michael Boldin Natural Rights and Liberty With the TAC’s 15 year anniversary coming this week, I thought it was a good time to share with you our driving principle –Natural ...

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The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a Natural Right

December 21, 2020 2nd Amendment 0

By: Jacob Hornberger There are those among the gun-control crowd who advocate repealing the Second Amendment. They think that by doing so, they would be prohibiting people from owning guns. Unfortunately, ...

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The 9th Amendment: Partner to the 10th

October 3, 2019 9th Amendment 0

By: Michael Boldin Few parts of the Constitution have been so misunderstood as the Ninth Amendment in the Bill of Rights. With its 21 words the 9th Amendment reads; “The ...

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