
Mercy Otis Warren: Constitution Would “Terminate in the Most Uncontrolled Despotism”

By: TJ Martinell   Mercy Otis Warren came down firmly opposed to ratification of the Constitution, and her anonymously written pamphlet titled “Observations on the new Constitution, and on the Federal ...

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The 2nd Amendment isn’t your “Gun Permit.” You Are.

By: Michael Boldin If you’re anything like me, your skin crawls anytime you hear someone say something like “the 2nd Amendment is the only gun permit I’ll ever need!” While I ...

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The 2nd Amendment: 3 main reasons it exists

June 22, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Michael Boldin 1. Individual, natural right of self-defense. 2. In defense of liberty, the union, and the states. 3. To prevent the “greatest threat to liberty” – large standing armies. ...

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Refuse to Cooperate: How the Colonies Responded to the Boston Port Act

By: Mike Maharrey James Madison gave us a blueprint to stop “unwarrantable” government actions (or even “warrantable” actions that happen to be unpopular) in Federalist #46. Madison wrote that “a refusal to cooperate with ...

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