
The Rise of Texas

June 11, 2024 Republic of Texas 0

MATT A MAYER Back in July 2022, I published the “Projected 2050 Population & Political Power Series” analyzing population and political power trendlines and projecting what America would look like ...

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The Tyranny of the Majority

June 4, 2024 Democracy / Liberty / Tyranny 0

By: Judge Andrew Napolitano     Does it really matter if the instrument curtailing liberty is a monarch or a popularly elected legislature? This conundrum, along with the witty version of ...

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Informing the Founders: A Short History of Standing Armies in England

November 9, 2023 Founding Principles 0

By: TJ Martinell The founding generation harbored a deep distrust of standing armies. This flowed not only from their first-hand experience with the British, but also from arguments against permanent military ...

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John Adams: Patriot and Tyrant?

By: Mike Maharrey Many revere John Adams as a great patriot. Others view him as a big-government tyrant. The truth probably lies somewhere in between. Adams was a prominent leader during ...

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The Foundation: Essential Principles for Liberty

August 5, 2023 Founding Principles 0

By: Michael Boldin Corruption and repression, weighted down by a massive bureaucracy – it’s all around us and getting worse year by year. But an alternative to total tyranny – while ...

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State of the Nullification Movement Report

January 21, 2023 Liberty 0

Get it here (right-click to download) – or scroll down for the full report via Scribd .pdf format (right-click to download and save) How to upload to your Kindle device or app click ...

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Cato’s Letters Explained “the Glorious Principles of Liberty” to the American Founders

January 4, 2023 Cato 0

by Dan Sanchez In the twilight of his life, John Adams reflected on the American Revolution in a letter to Thomas Jefferson, writing: “What do We mean by the Revolution? ...

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Advancing Liberty: 4 Essential, Foundational Principles

By: Michael Boldin The “American revolution” was about much more than the war for Independence. In fact, as John Adams noted, the revolution was “effected before the war commenced.” A “radical ...

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Resistance is Crucial to the Advancement of Liberty

August 26, 2022 Freedom / God-given Rights / Liberty 0

By: Mike Maharrey Patrick Henry told us that “government is no more than a choice among evils.” Thomas Paine held the same view. In Common Sense, he wrote, “Society in every state ...

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Of the Natural Rights of Individuals

By: TJ Martinell Do people exist for the sake of government? Or is it the other way around?  That’s the question James Wilson attempts to answer in his 1790 work, “Of the ...

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