
Free Speech on Trial: Jailed But Re-elected

June 25, 2024 History 0

By: Michael Boldin     In a time of political turmoil, when criticism of the government could land you behind bars, Matthew Lyon, a congressman and fierce critic of the Federalist ...

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The War on Free Speech is Really a War on the Right to Criticize the Government

By: John Whitehead Absolutely, there is a war on free speech. To be more accurate, however, the war on free speech is really a war on the right to criticize the ...

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Why Censorship Should Chill You to the Bone

March 3, 2023 Politics 0

by Lawrence W. Reed When private entities conspire with government to silence opinion, we get the worst of two worlds: the brute force of the state combined with the technology ...

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The Democrat Solution for Critics – Jail the Offenders

by John Dempsey Anyone who criticizes Democrats online should be thrown into jail – at least according to Democratic Florida Representative Frederica Wilson. Wilson told some of her constituents while speaking ...

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