
The Perpetual War on Free Speech

January 6, 2024 Core Principles / Free Speech 0

Does anyone believe in it? DONALD JEFFRIES JAN 4, 2024 The Founding Fathers made the Constitution palatable by including a Bill of Rights. Without the First 10 Amendments, the Constitution ...

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The Democrat Solution for Critics – Jail the Offenders

by John Dempsey Anyone who criticizes Democrats online should be thrown into jail – at least according to Democratic Florida Representative Frederica Wilson. Wilson told some of her constituents while speaking ...

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The Lie of “Separation of Church and State” & the U.S. Supreme Court’s Usurpations of Power

By Publius Huldah 1.  How did it happen that our country became a land where Christian children are forbidden to use the word, “God”, in the public schools; public school ...

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What Happened to the Freedom of Speech?

By: Judge Andrew Napolitano “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…” – First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution When James Madison agreed be ...

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Freedom of Speech or Speech Police

by KrisAnne Hall Watch the KrisAnne Hall Show on YouTube A little lesson on freedom of speech! Do we want liberty or do we want speech police? The battle for ...

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Julian Assange: Political Prisoner

by Ron Paul Last week’s arrest of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange by the British government on a US extradition order is an attack on all of us. It is an ...

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Canada: Man fined $55K for calling a male a male

April 10, 2019 1st Amendment / Free Speech 0

Dr. Michael Brown We told you this was coming. We warned you it would happen. We were not crying wolf. We were telling you the truth. And now it is here, ...

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