The Environment for Liberty
Economist Benjamin Zycher’s Liberty Forum essay shows how the National Environmental Policy Act, through its cost-shifting and completeness requirements, combined with the due deference doctrine established by the Chevron decision, ...
Read more.Objections to Impeachment: The Protest that “This Hasn’t Been Our Practice,” Part 1
In my last several posts, I have been responding to standard objections often raised in opposition to a broad understanding of the constitutional power of impeachment – objections that one ...
Read more.Avoiding the Next 50-48 Vote: Disempower the Court
After the Senate voted 50 to 48 to confirm Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted that she was “not going to sugarcoat anything. We lost a tough fight. ...
Read more.Four Truths
I have always contended that the Founder's said a lot with very few words. What they said is sometimes overlooked by the average reader, including myself. Here are the first ...
Read more.Amanda Tyler and the Original Meaning of the Habeas Corpus Suspension Clause
While the original Constitution certainly had some defects — especially that it allowed slavery — it was in many ways an amazingly protective document. It was a classical liberal document ...
Read more.Obsta principiis: Nip the Shoots of Arbitrary Power in the Bud
John Adams warned us. When you spot even the slightest violation of the Constitution, it’s imperative that you nip it in the bud. In 1774 and 1775, Daniel Leonard wrote ...
This essay by professor Herman Belz covers some of Abraham Lincoln's thoughts on Natural Law. <Read it Here>
Read more.Constitution Day, How Will You Celebrate It ?
The reason I started teaching about the Constitution and Natural Law is because most people have either forgotten about them or like young people today, they have never been taught ...
Read more.It’s Our Constitution — Not Kavanaugh
One of the best statements of how the Framers saw the role of the federal government is found in Federalist Paper 45, written by James Madison, who is known as ...
Read more.Blueprint for States to Take On Warrantless Federal Surveillance
Can states take on warrantless, mass surveillance from the NSA and other federal agencies? The first steps are already happening. A new law went into effect in Michigan in June ...
Read more.