Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s True Legacy- In Her Own Words
by KrisAnne Hall, JD Some ask can we identify a singular point that can cause the destruction of America. Looking toward U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, may give ...
Read more.Impeachment, Words Have Meanings
by KrisAnne Hall, JD Impeachment… modern politicians like to throw this term around as both a threat and an indication to the public of their political wisdom and prowess. Some ...
Read more.Why We Are a Republic, Not a Democracy
by Walter Williams Hillary Clinton blamed the Electoral College for her stunning defeat in the 2016 presidential election in her latest memoirs, “What Happened.” Some have claimed that the Electoral ...
Read more.Our Goal is Federalism, not “States’ Rights”
by Gary Wood Are the members of the 10th Amendment efforts supporting federalism or states’ rights? Should we link ourselves to John C. Calhoun and the notion of secessionism and ...
Read more.Paging Dr. Madison! Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the 10th Amendment
By: Bob Zadek “The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse.” -James Madison, Speech in the Virginia ...
Read more.Why the “National Public Vote” Scheme is Unconstitutional
By: Rob Natelson The U.S. Supreme Court says each state legislature has “plenary” (complete) power to decide how its state’s presidential electors are chosen. But suppose a state legislature decided ...
Read more.Arizona Bill Takes on Federal Police Militarization and the Surveillance State
By: Mike Maharrey PHOENIX, Ariz. (Feb 8, 2019) – A bill introduced in the Arizona Senate would require law enforcement agencies to get local government approval before acquiring or using ...
Read more.Government Land Grabs, Regulations Equal Theft
by KrisAnne Hall, JD Government land grabs are becoming more and more prevalent every day. The federal government is seizing up more and more private land under the auspices of environmental preservation ...
Read more.Arizona Measure Would Send Marijuana Legalization to Voters, Despite Federal Prohibition
By: Michael Boldin PHOENIX, Ariz. (Feb. 7, 2019) – A resolution introduced in the Arizona Senate would send a measure to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes to voters on the ...
Read more.Yes! Trump has constitutional authority to secure our Southern Border
By Publius Huldah Instead of reading our Constitution and seeing what it says, Americans get their legal advice from what “everybody says”. Now, they are hearing about “emergency powers”, and ...
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