
Restoring Judicial Impeachment

March 27, 2018 Constitution 0

In March 1804, the House of Representatives did something for the first and, sadly, last time: It impeached a justice of the Supreme Court for abusing the office of a ...

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The Preamble to the Constitution: What It Tells Us and What It Doesn’t

March 25, 2018 Constitution 0

For many Americans, knowledge of the Constitution begins and ends with the preamble. A lot of people probably even memorized it at some point in school. I suppose you could ...

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Today in History: Patrick Henry’s “Give me Liberty” Speech

March 25, 2018 History 0

On March 23, 1775, tensions in Virginia were at their highest point during the imperial crisis with Britain. The House of Burgesses, the state’s elected assembly, was about to make ...

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The Problem with the “Simple Principle” of Liberty

March 25, 2018 Liberty 0

I cannot compete with Michael Munger, Nathan Schlueter, or Nikolai Wenzel in citing the authorities of libertarian and classical liberal thought. Being more a lumper than a splitter, I would ...

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We the Bureaucrats

March 21, 2018 Government 0

Every year, the Harvard Law Review invites a well known scholar to write the Foreword, which generally involves an important matter of constitutional law. Writing the Foreword is one of ...

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An Empirical Liberty Framework for Debating Gun Control

March 21, 2018 Constitution 0

Those in favor of gun control repeatedly proclaim that something must be done to stop gun violence, to include repealing the Second Amendment. At the same time, those who defend ...

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The Constitutional Freedom Not to Promote Abortion

March 21, 2018 Constitution 0

May a state government legally require pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to post notices or provide information promoting free or low-cost abortion? May a state government by law require abortion clinics ...

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Constitution 101: The Judiciary and Judicial Review

March 18, 2018 Constitution 0

The federal judiciary has arguably become the most powerful branch of the general government. Opinions issued by nine politically connected lawyers have redefined marriage throughout the entire United States, authorized ...

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16 Choice Quotes from James Madison, the “Father of the Constitution”

March 18, 2018 History 0

March 4th marks the anniversary of the beginning of government under the U.S. Constitution in 1789. It seldom gets any popular attention. But it certainly deserves some, especially in an ...

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Refuting 12 Common Claims Against The Right To Keep And Bear Arms

March 18, 2018 Liberty 0

Critics of the Second Amendment often highlight the state of technology in which it was written insofar as firearms were concerned. At the time, one-shot muskets and rifles were cutting ...

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