
The Fed, and No One Else, Is Responsible for Inflation

June 22, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Jacob Hornberger According to commentators in the mainstream press and various federal officials, inflation is like the coronavirus. It spreads around the world, hitting different countries in different ways. Sometimes ...

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From Muskets to AR-15s: Weapons of War or Enemies of Tyranny?

June 22, 2022 2nd Amendment 0

By: Suzanne Sherman Many politicians claim to support the Second Amendment while simultaneously insisting the federal government has the authority to ban “military-style weapons.” These are mutually exclusive positions. The purpose ...

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Anti-Federalists Strike Back: Two Responses to James Wilson’s State House Speech

June 22, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Bob Fiedler On September 17, 1787, the Philadelphia Convention, finished drafting the U.S. Constitution. The Anti-Federalists wasted no time in denouncing the document. The first stand-alone counterattack against the anti-federalists ...

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What if the NFL did not Hire Referees?

June 22, 2022 Uncategorized 0

Constitutional Minute #1 Presently, the NFL makes the rules for professional football. They hire and train the referees to keep the players within those established rules and the rules are uniform ...

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Thomas Jefferson: A Little Rebellion Now and Then

June 15, 2022 Thomas Jefferson 0

    Writing to James Madison about Shays’ Rebellion in early 1787, Thomas Jefferson said that “a little rebellion now and then is a good thing.” He considered it an ...

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Ohio Permitless Carry Law Now in Effect

By: Mike Maharrey COLUMBUS, Ohio (June 13, 2022) – Today, an Ohio law legalizing permitless carry in the state went into effect. The enactment of this so-called “constitutional carry” law will ...

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How to Interpret the Constitution, and How Not to

June 15, 2022 Constitution 0

By: TJ Martinell How does one properly interpret the U.S. Constitution? Is originalism just a codeword used by “conservatives” to interpret it in the same manner as “liberals” view it as ...

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Setting a Foundation: The Virginia Declaration of Rights

By: Mike Maharrey On June 12, 1776, the Virginia House of Burgesses passed the Virginia Declaration of Rights. It is arguably the most important founding document that most people have never heard ...

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To the Governor: Alabama Bill Would Ban Enforcement of Gun Control by Executive Order

By: Mike Maharrey MONTGOMERY, Ala. (April 8, 2022) – Yesterday, the Alabama Senate gave final approval to a bill that would prohibit state and local enforcement of federal gun control by ...

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4 Essential Steps to Nullify Federal Gun Control

June 11, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Michael Boldin All gun control is a violation of your natural right to keep and bear arms. But the ATF and their partners in local law enforcement aren’t going to ...

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