
Is the Green New Deal Fascist?

Rob Natelson This article first appeared in The Green New Deal (GND) often is described as “socialist.” This may be because two of its best known advocates, Senator Bernie ...

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Alabama Bill Would Put Constitutional Amendment to End Common Core on the Ballot

May 23, 2019 Alabama / Common Core / Education 0

By: Mike Maharrey MONTGOMERY, Ala. (May 22, 2019) – A bill introduced in the Alabama House would place an amendment to the state constitution to prohibit implementation of Common Core ...

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Republican “Constitutionalists” Ignore the Constitution on Family Leave

By: Suzanne Sherman Republicans in Congress love to invoke the Constitution — until they don’t. On May 2, 2019, United States Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) posted the following on his ...

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Cops Use Lexis Nexis Facial Recognition To Identify Your Family And Friends

By: jprivate What is it going to take for Americans to realize that law enforcement has become an extension of Big Brother? All across the country, police officers are secretly ...

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Why the Founders Wanted You to Own Military-Style Weapons

By: TJ Martinell Two hundred and twenty-seven years ago this month, the U.S. Congress passed the Militia Acts of 1792. This pair of bills authorized the president to lead the ...

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It’s Impossible to Outlaw “Crazy” — the Government Has a Better Chance of Implementing Laws to Reduce Being Struck by Lightning

May 20, 2019 Confiscation / Gun Laws 0

by Victor Sperandeo The outcry that takes place whenever a “Mass Shooting” occurs, especially in a “school”, is certainly deserved. However, politicians thinking that “laws” will curb these events is ...

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Once Upon a Time in America

By: Judge Andrew Napolitano There was a time in American history — nearly all of it up to the presidency of Woodrow Wilson — when the federal government followed basic ...

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Texas asserts sovereign immunity against Congress

Texas is asserting its sovereign immunity against Congress, telling Democrats on two congressional committees this week that the state has no obligation to comply with their investigative demands. Attorney General ...

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Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy About-Face: Top 4 Explanations

By: Michael Boldin Candidate Trump vs President Trump. A lot of people seem to be looking for explanations for what appears to be a complete about face on foreign policy. ...

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Newsflash: Social Security and Medicare Still Going Broke

By: Mike Maharrey Last year, Social Security and Medicare trustees warned that the programs are going broke. A year later — they’re still going broke. This shouldn’t come as a ...

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