
Surveillance: You’d Better Chose Wisely

September 28, 2019 Surveillance 0

By: Mike Maharrey I’ve often joked that George Orwell’s novel 1984 was meant to be a warning, not an instruction manual. And yet every day the U.S. marches closer and ...

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A Nightmarish Army of Unblinking Spies

September 6, 2019 Surveillance 0

By: Mike Maharrey The surveillance state constantly expands. That thing that seems like no big deal today can suddenly become a big deal as technology evolves. Take the proliferation of ...

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Amazon and Google Use Secret Police Deals and Freebies to Spy on Everyone

August 5, 2019 Surveillence 0

By: jprivate Amazon and Google are using secret police agreements and free giveaways to spy on everyone. Last week Vice News revealed how police departments across the country are secretly working with Amazon ...

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Oh, How I Loath the TSA

August 1, 2019 Uncategorized 0

By: Mike Maharrey I recently took a trip that required me to fly. I was filled with a sense of dread as I got ready to head to the airport, ...

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Police Using License Plate Readers To “Grid” Entire Neighborhoods

By: jprivate Law enforcement is using license plate readers to “grid” entire neighborhoods. So, What does gridding mean? The Arizona Mirror describes gridding as: “Part of the training for the ALPR systems, Chandler ...

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