
Six Must Read Sources from Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

By: Michael Boldin Most people today have little to no familiarity with any of the principles that influenced the founders. Below, you’ll find 6 important resources hand-picked by Thomas Jefferson and ...

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Thomas Jefferson and James Madison’s “Must Read” Sources to Understand Liberty and American Government

August 4, 2023 Founding Principles 0

By: Mike Maharrey How can we learn about the founding principles and the meaning of the Constitution? Minutes from an 1825 meeting of the University of Virginia Board of Visitors shed some ...

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The ideas that formed the Constitution: Virgil alone

February 19, 2023 Founding Principles 0

By: Rob Natelson The previous (ninth) essay in this series identified three Roman poets quoted by participants in the constitutional debates of 1787–1790—Ovid, Horace, and Virgil. The essay explained why Virgil ...

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The Whig (Libertarian) Heritage of America

By: Dan Sanchez Should America embrace libertarianism? Many would regard such a prospect as recklessly experimental. This is partly because they regard libertarianism as some crackpot scheme cooked up in the ...

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The ideas that formed the Constitution: Cicero

January 12, 2023 Cicero 0

By: Rob Natelson The first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth essays in this series addressed the influence on the Constitution of four leading Greek thinkers. There is one more Greek on our list, the biographer Plutarch. He lived ...

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Truth and the Foundations of a Free Republic

January 7, 2023 Truth 0

By Paul E. Scates The philosophy of relativism claims that all truth is relative, and that there is no such thing as absolute truth.  (Of course, if relativism is true, then based on ...

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The ideas that formed the Constitution, the pioneers: Socrates, Xenophon, Plato

December 19, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Rob Natelson This is the fourth in a series of essays on the ideas behind the Constitution. You can find the first two essays here, here, and here As explained in the second ...

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What Are Rights? This Is What the Founders Believed

December 9, 2022 Founding Principles 0

By: Dan Sanchez In 1776, the Declaration of Independence proclaimed that everyone is endowed with “unalienable Rights.” Years later, the Bill of Rights elaborated on those rights. Subsequently, the rights of ...

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No Place Like Rome: How Classic Republicanism Influenced the Founding Fathers

September 24, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Bob Fiedler It has become commonplace for people to explain the current condition of the United States with allusions to the decline of the Roman Empire. But few talk about ...

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Constitutional Genealogy: The New England Confederation of 1643

August 29, 2022 Founding Principles 0

By: Mike Maharrey The foundational ideas underlying the Constitution took root long before the founders drafted the document. In fact, they began to take root in the earliest days of American ...

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