
How Tench Coxe Shaped the Ratification Debates: Essays of A Pennsylvanian

By: Mike Maharrey   History often overlooks Tench Coxe, but he was one of the most important founding fathers. While the Federalist Papers are celebrated and widely discussed today, Coxe’s essays, written under ...

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Timely Lessons About Tyranny from the Father of the Constitution

By: John Whitehead     James Madison, often referred to as the “Father of the Constitution,” once predicted that the Bill of Rights would become mere “parchment barrier,” words on paper ...

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The Rise of Texas

June 11, 2024 Republic of Texas 0

MATT A MAYER Back in July 2022, I published the “Projected 2050 Population & Political Power Series” analyzing population and political power trendlines and projecting what America would look like ...

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America isn’t “One Nation” and that Matters

By: Mike Maharrey The Pledge of Allegiance is wrong. These United States are not “one nation, indivisible.” They are a federation. This may seem like semantical nitpicking, but it is an ...

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Consolidation and the Destruction of Liberty

August 9, 2023 Founding Principles 0

By: Michael Boldin If we truly want to build a real “land of the free,” it’s essential to understand the source of our problems – to “strike the root,” so to ...

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Unraveling the “One Nation” Myth

By: Mike Maharrey You’ve been lied to. America is not “one nation.” I know this feels shocking. You’ve proclaimed the United States of America is “one nation, under God, indivisible” your ...

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Bill of Rights: The Ignored History of Why it Exists

December 19, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Michael Boldin Today is “Bill of Rights Day” – commemorating ratification on Dec. 15, 1791. But what the government-run schools – and supporters of the monster state – “teach” about ...

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The Values in the Constitution

The Declaration of Independence expressed a common American creed: All are born equal before God and the law, God bestows humans with natural rights, some of these rights are unalienable ...

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The Ninth Amendment and the Right of Local Self-Government

The Ninth Amendment guarantees the right of local self-government in all matters not expressly prohibited to the states or clearly delegated to the federal government. The drafter of the Ninth ...

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Federalism Is the Best Step

Although the word Federalism does not appear in the Constitution, federalism is the best practice, it is one of the most important and innovative concepts in it.  When the Constitution ...

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