
Tench Coxe Defends the Structure of the House of Representatives

By: Mike Maharrey   Countering Anti-Federalist fears that Congress wouldn’t represent the diverse interests of the American population, Tench Coxe came out swinging, insisting that the House would be “the immediate ...

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Tench Coxe on the Senate: A Counter to Anti-Federalist Aristocracy Fears

By: Mike Maharrey   The structure of the Senate was a serious point of contention for many Anti-Federalists, who warned it would quickly become a permanent or baneful aristocracy, with most senators serving for life. Tench ...

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Tench Coxe on the Executive Branch: President, not a King

By: Mike Maharrey     American presidents behave almost like elected kings, exercising vast powers with very little accountability. But that wasn’t the plan. Tench Coxe was a key figure in ...

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