
Power From the People: The Revolutionary Roots of the 10th Amendment

By: Michael Boldin     Thomas Jefferson called the 10th Amendment the “foundation of the Constitution,” and for good reason too. It enshrines many of the radical principles that sparked the ...

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Bill of Rights: The Ignored History of Why it Exists

December 19, 2022 Uncategorized 0

By: Michael Boldin Today is “Bill of Rights Day” – commemorating ratification on Dec. 15, 1791. But what the government-run schools – and supporters of the monster state – “teach” about ...

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Separation of Powers: A “Dogmatic Maxim” in the Constitution

By: Michael Boldin James Madison considered the separation of powers so important he not only called it a “dogmatic maxim,” he expressly included it as part of his proposed amendments for ...

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10th Amendment Essentials: Sovereignty and Resistance

By: Michael Boldin “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” ...

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The Ninth Amendment and the Right of Local Self-Government

The Ninth Amendment guarantees the right of local self-government in all matters not expressly prohibited to the states or clearly delegated to the federal government. The drafter of the Ninth ...

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Liberty Tyranny

Embracing what the Founders Sought to Destroy

By: Michael Boldin The Founding generation fought a long, bloody war to free themselves from an empire – the largest government in history at the time. Today, they’re probably rolling in ...

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The 10th Amendment: An Introduction

May 14, 2020 10th Amendment 0

By: Michael Boldin “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the ...

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The Tenth Amendment is Always the Right Answer

November 21, 2019 10th Amendment / Uncategorized 0

By: Mike Maharrey I’ve been told that law students prepping for the Bar Exam are told that if the Tenth Amendment is ever among the answers on a multiple-choice question, ...

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The 9th Amendment: Partner to the 10th

October 3, 2019 9th Amendment 0

By: Michael Boldin Few parts of the Constitution have been so misunderstood as the Ninth Amendment in the Bill of Rights. With its 21 words the 9th Amendment reads; “The ...

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