Rebirth of the Nation: How to Restore America
On November 5, 2024, America breathed a collective sigh of relief. Donald Trump handily defeated the Deep State network behind the disastrously ludicrous candidacy of Kamala Harris. For millions of Americans, it is now morning in America, and from the countryside to the most bustling of burgs, the smell of hope fills the air.
Americans want a return to sane energy policies that make the most of our abundant natural resources and provide a much-needed respite from high heating, cooling, and grocery expenses. They want woke madness to be sent back to the confines of mental institutions. They crave strong American leadership that seeks and is capable of de-escalating global conflicts, not inflaming them. And they want to take back control of their government from faceless bureaucrats and the Deep State operatives behind and above them who serve and orchestrate the globalist agenda.
When Trump promised to usher in an American “golden age,” it was music to the ears of more than 70 million Americans. But it will take more than a strong-willed, bullet-dodging master marketer to bring about an American comeback. Restoring a nation as big, diverse, and full of institutional rot as the United States won’t happen if Americans continue to see such an endeavor as a spectator sport. Citizen participation is the key ingredient, especially participation by those seeking a return to the constitutional principles and Judeo-Christian values that made this country great in the first place.
Despite Trump’s first-term disappointments — appointing Deep Staters to his Cabinet, replacing the awful North American Free Trade Agreement with the even worse United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, signing off on spending that added trillions to the national debt, and approving the expedited rollout of the Covid injection that, studies found, was worse than the disease — he is nevertheless the only president within recent history to demonstrate any semblance of a desire and ability to restore the United States to the sovereign, prosperous nation it once was. Trump withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership; pulled out of the globalists’ universal “educational” and cultural indoctrination program UNESCO; exited the Paris climate accord; significantly curbed illegal immigration; avoided new wars while successfully projecting strength to the rest of the world; and appointed judges to the Supreme Court with the explicit goal of ending Roe v. Wade, a reprehensible ruling that has cursed this land for half a century.
Trump’s convincing electoral victory showed that Americans want to reverse the policies and throw out the ideas that have sickened and crippled what was not too long ago the freest, most prosperous nation in history. The election showed that, as a people, Americans reject status-quo, Establishment policies and politicians. As we explained in our 2021 Collector’s Edition bookazine Trumpworld, there would be no MAGA movement, no Trump disruption, without “Trumpworld,” the segment of the population so disillusioned with Establishment policies that they elected Trump in 2016, much to the surprise and chagrin of the globalists, and again in 2024 — to no one’s surprise that time.
The 2024 election highlighted another encouraging development: The fall of the legacy media. In October, Gallup released a poll saying that only 31 percent of Americans had any trust in the mainstream media. While a reasonable question to ask is why three in 10 people still believe anything the media says, this is the lowest trust number since Gallup began asking the question in 1972. The media failed in its mission to sway enough voters to Harris, despite her opponent being a “Nazi.” On October 23, Harris stepped up to the microphone in her capacity as vice president and declared to the world that Trump was a fascist and that he would rule like the Nazi führer. This was not her assessment, but that of former Marine Corps General and Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly, she emphasized. “It is clear, from John Kelly’s words, that Donald Trump is someone, who I quote, certainly falls into the general definition of fascist,” Harris said. By invoking a former general, she wanted to make credible an embarrassingly desperate and false ploy. Fortunately, Americans had seen enough. Nobody who wasn’t already drinking the Kool-Aid believed Harris, Kelly, or the media. It was obvious to any American with the I.Q. of a cucumber that Harris’ campaign was headed toward a legitimate defeat, and that the Trump-is-a-fascist skit was a poorly lobbed Hail Mary. After all, if Kelly was telling the truth, why did he withhold such valuable information for so long?
With a president who genuinely wants to put America first, a Congress in the hands of the less destructive Republicans, and a mainstream media that has been neutered and relegated to its proper status of propagandist, the United States is snugly positioned for a comeback — a renaissance, if you will.

Rejection of the Establishment: Donald Trump overwhelmingly defeated Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential race, a surprisingly lopsided contest. Trump received 312 electoral votes to Harris’ 226, and also won the popular vote. (AP Images)
American Renaissance Needed
The word “renaissance” means “rebirth.” It generally refers to a European period of unprecedented cultural, intellectual, scientific, and explorative domination. It produced titans of history, men such as Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Thomas Hobbes, William Tyndale, William Shakespeare, Ferdinand Magellan, and Christopher Columbus, among many others. The Renaissance changed the world. It brought about the end of feudalism and advanced existing ideas of self-government. It ushered in the invention of the printing press and opened the gates of knowledge for everyday people. It fostered global exploration on an unprecedented scale, revealing a world much bigger than previously believed. And it did all this while building on the already existing foundation of classical Europe.
America needs its own renaissance. That will require not only massive policy shifts, but a cultural and moral transformation as well.
The United States has become something the Founders detested and never wanted, something most Americans today reject, something more citizens would object to if they only knew what was going on.
Our leaders, in the name of “spreading democracy” and other deceptive nonsense, have used America’s military and monetary might to turn the nation into an international bully that goes abroad in perpetual search of monsters to destroy. For decades, the United States has officially and covertly meddled in the policies and elections of other countries, including Afghanistan, Belarus, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. The Department of Defense has built more than 120 U.S. bases worldwide, with more than 200,000 U.S. soldiers stationed around the globe. And those are just the official numbers. To many on the outside, America is the monster.
The perception of America as an international bully, while accurate, doesn’t reflect the will of the American people. There’s a wide chasm between the people and their self-appointed rulers. Americans don’t want their country to be an empire or the world’s policeman. According to a CBS-YouGov poll published November 25, 2024, more than half of the country opposes sending aid and weapons to Ukraine. The Pew Research Center found that 56 percent of Americans want the United States to play a minor role or no role at all in Israel’s war against Hamas. Let’s not forget that every presidential candidate since time immemorial has run on a campaign of peace. This clearly indicates that Americans don’t want to be involved in wars, directly or indirectly, and that their leaders know this.
Restore Real Money
For the Republic to be restored, America must once again embrace a noninterventionist foreign policy. And one of the most important steps toward making that a reality is ending the Federal Reserve bank and reestablishing a bimetallic money system.
The Fed, despite its deceptive name, is a quasi-governmental agency, a public-private partnership — the very definition of fascism. It operates independently of congressional oversight. Two days after Trump was elected to be the 47th president, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell held a press conference during which he said he would not comply with any presidential request that he step down before his term ends in May 2026. Powell said the president lacks the legal authority to fire the Fed chairman.
The Fed is a major reason America can wage “forever wars.” Without the Fed creating fiat money out of thin air, U.S. involvement in wars would likely come to a screeching halt. The Fed funds wars and foreign aid by lending to the government so the people don’t have to pay for it directly via taxes. This prevents outrage and resistance from a population that has yet to see the bill. Ending the Fed would put an end to the madness. Imagine if with every foreign-aid package or military operation, voters had their paychecks further docked. The public would notice the next time the geniuses at the Pentagon think it a good idea to drop bombs in the Middle East or wage proxy wars against nuclear-armed nations.
The other side of this coin is a much-needed return to a bimetallic money system. This would not only make wars more difficult to fund, but would stop the looting of Americans’ paychecks. A $100,000 house in 1967 cost more than $1 million in 2024. A $20,000 car in 1964 cost nearly $204,000 in 2024. And for $100, consumers in the 1980s could fill their grocery carts. Today, $100 won’t even fill up half a cart.
Mainstream economists refer to price increases as “inflation,” but that’s inaccurate. Inflation is an increase in the quantity of currency, which lowers the value of existing currency. This definition was the standard up until 2003.
Prices rise as the value of the dollar falls. Paper currency used to be redeemable in gold or silver, but Richard Nixon abandoned the gold standard in 1971. Now the American dollar is backed by nothing but government fiat. The economic wizardry of printing money at will robs the American worker because it devalues his money. A bimetallic system, however, would drastically reduce, if not completely end, infusions of money into the system because the supply would be constrained to available precious metals.
Abolish the Income Tax, IRS
Another important step to restoring wealth and the greatness of the Republic is abolishing the income tax — and the IRS with it. The Founders never intended for the federal government to burden the governed with an income tax. Sheldon Richman of the Future of Freedom Foundation pointed out in his October 2024 syndicated column “Abolish the Income Tax and IRS” that America “was founded by colonists who were sick of arbitrary rule by tyrants who saw them as mere subjects to be looted and humiliated.”
In 1819, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall wrote in the case McCulloch v. Maryland that “The power to tax involves the power to destroy.” In 1895, more than a century after the nation’s founding, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company that directly taxing Americans’ income was unconstitutional. Back then, the government raised revenue by putting tariffs on imports and excise taxes on items like horses and carriages. Those were “indirect” taxes on consumption. They gave citizens power over their tax burdens by controlling their purchases. But in July 1909, Congress passed the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, and by 1913, the amendment had been approved by enough state legislatures to make it law.
The graduated income tax is a communist idea. It’s the 10th plank of The Communist Manifesto. For more than a century, the federal government has been looting the paychecks of the governed with it. They’ve used hard-earned, taxpayer money to fund unconstitutional wars and grow the size of government. They’ve created a stack of agencies that take and redistribute taxpayer wealth through welfare programs. They’ve created other agencies — the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for example — that have instituted hundreds of enforceable regulations without legislative approval. Many of those regulations have suffocated small businesses and prevented an unknown number of entrepreneurs from entering the business world.
The federal income tax was sold to Americans as something that would be leveled only against the rich. But, as everyone who receives a paycheck knows, that’s not how it played out.
Former GOP Texas Congressman Ron Paul said this about the income tax in a January 2023 column:
The major problem with the income tax, and the reason it must be eliminated, not merely “reformed,” is that it is rooted in the idea that the government has first claim on our income. This idea is incompatible with a free society. Furthermore, the income tax must also be repealed because the force of the IRS, along with the fraud of the Federal Reserve, is one of the two foundations of the welfare-warfare state that erodes our liberty and prosperity.
Disarm the Weaponized Justice System
Speaking of the erosion of liberty and the need to abolish agencies, another vital piece to restoring the American experiment is addressing the police agencies that have turned against the people they were charged with serving. TNA senior editor William F. Jasper pointed out in our June 29, 2023 issue that intelligence agencies have been “an indispensable arm of the Deep State coterie that is dismantling our Republic and the moral-social fabric of our society to shape us into a New World Order that would resemble the dystopia of Communist China.”
The intelligence community created the propaganda campaign that dubbed the contents of Hunter Biden’s lost laptop a Russian intelligence operation. On the eve of the 2020 presidential election, 51 spooks signed a letter saying that’s what it was. The irony is that it was really an American intelligence operation weaponized against Americans. The laptop genuinely belonged to Hunter, and the information within it was authentic and implicated Hunter and his family in a foreign influence-peddling racket. Nevertheless, the spooks’ letter resulted in the suppression of the New York Post’s story about the laptop. Major social-media platforms blocked its circulation, and the mainstream media parroted the script put out by the intelligence community. Many believe that the laptop story, had it been widely reported, would have prevented a Joe Biden presidency.
As for the FBI, it has become the American Stasi. Agents have broken down the doors of harmless, law-abiding citizens whose sin was going in or near the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The FBI has infiltrated conservative Catholic churches. Agents have tracked and surveilled citizens who visited D.C. on January 6. They’ve spied on Americans’ bank accounts. They plant propaganda in newspapers. They raided Trump’s home in Florida. Before that, the FBI launched the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, an operation that was spurred on by unverified research funded by Trump’s chief political opponent, Hillary Clinton. And, of course, the FBI has tirelessly worked to destroy the MAGA movement. Republican Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins’ office has investigated J6, and he’s convinced that FBI agents were embedded in the crowd and in the Capitol before people ever broke through. He, along with many others, believes the FBI is at least partly behind the violence that erupted that day.
The intelligence community needs to be thoroughly investigated, with parts of it being reformed and others completely shuttered. Some patriots, including Ron Paul, say the FBI needs to be abolished. If the intelligence agencies are not brought to heel, they will sabotage effective attempts at national restoration and eventually destroy the nation.
Make America States Again
America’s Founders designed a United States in which the states reign supreme over the federal government. As James Madison explained in The Federalist, No. 45, the Constitution intentionally gives the federal government only the “few and defined” powers necessary to conduct certain and specific duties as an agent of the states. The states created the federal government for their mutual benefit and interests. Unfortunately, this has changed for the worse. The federal government now controls, through the Department of Education, what children in every state “learn”; it dictates health protocols through the Department of Health and Human Services; and it creates piles of enforceable anti-growth regulations through the Environmental Protection Agency.
This is a short list of responsibilities the federal government has usurped from the states. The U.S. Constitution doesn’t allow for any of the above-mentioned agencies.
Until Congress ratified the 17th Amendment, which provides for the direct election of U.S. senators by popular vote in each state, state legislatures elected their U.S. senators. The Senate was originally intended to represent the interests of the state governments, whereas the House of Representatives was to represent the interests of the people who directly elected its members. But thanks to the 17th Amendment, state governments no longer have representation in Congress, and their direct influence in the federal government is neutralized. The 17th Amendment needs to be fully repealed, and we need to return to state legislatures electing U.S. senators in accordance with Article I, Section 3, Clauses 1 and 3 of the Constitution.
Thanks to lies repeatedly taught in government schools and by the media, Americans believe that every law Congress passes, every presidential executive order, every federal regulation, and every Supreme Court ruling is the “supreme law of the land” and must be obeyed. This is false. As we noted in our October 14, 2024 issue, “This widespread belief stems from a misunderstanding of Article VI and what has long been erroneously called the ‘Supremacy Clause.’ Nowhere does Article VI, or any other part of the Constitution, authorize or declare that the federal government and all federal laws have supremacy over state governments and state laws.” The answer?
As such, and in accordance with their oath of office, members of the state legislatures are to regard such “laws” as nothing more than usurpations, and either ignore them or declare them to be null, void, and of no legal effect within the borders of their sovereign states.
States must practice nullification, which is when state legislators ignore and declare null or void federal acts that are not allowed by the Constitution. In short, it’s time to make America states again. You can read more about how to do this in the issue referenced above.
Get US Out! of the UN
The last major reform needed for an American comeback that we’ll mention (this isn’t an exhaustive list) is severing ties to international organizations such as the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The UN beast includes the tentacles of the World Health Organization (WHO); World Trade Organization; UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; and others. John Birch Society Founder Robert Welch considered the UN the head of the globalist snake. That’s why he launched the “Get US Out! of the United Nations” action program in 1962. For more than 60 years, Birchers have been warning their fellow Americans about the dangers of the UN.
The people within the UN, unlike America’s Founding Fathers, believe that individual liberty comes from governing bodies, not God. It’s an organization littered with communist globalists — it always has been. One of the founders was Alger Hiss, a U.S. State Department official who happened to be a Soviet spy. Today, UN advocates and officials openly admit that the purpose of the UN has always been to create global government. In the November/December 2024 issue of Foreign Affairs, a thoroughly globalist publication, former UN official Thant Myint-u advocates for global government. Talking about the beginnings of the organization, he says, “The seeds of a future planetary government were evident from the start.” Later he adds that “a hopeful vision of global government persisted.” In that same article, he bemoans what he sees as a missed opportunity for the United States to build “the foundation of a UN-centered world government.”
The UN has helped facilitate mass migration into Europe and America, triggering Brexit and similar movements in other European nations. It introduced Covid jab mandates and “vaccine” passports through the WHO during the Covid hysteria period. The UN is the source of green policies that are destroying European nations. For decades, the international body has pressured nations to reduce and ultimately end fossil-fuel production. The people running Joe Biden’s administration swallowed this nonsense hook, line, and sinker, triggering the largest spike of consumer energy prices in recent memory. Making the hoax even worse is the fact that Eastern countries don’t comply with any of the UN’s half-witted green policies. So while Western countries become poorer and weaker, China and Russia are building coal-fired and nuclear power plants faster than Kamala Harris can deliver her “significance of time” routine.
Bad for America: NATO and the United Nations are international organizations designed from the outset to serve as pillars of a future world government. Both are intentionally designed to undermine the sovereignty of nation-states. (Adobe Stock)

As for NATO, it is the military branch of the budding New World Order. Officially, it is an alliance of 30 nations, including the United States, designed to provide collective security. The alliance obligates member states to enter war on the side of any NATO country that gets attacked. But Americans, who pay more into NATO than any other, have nothing to gain and everything to lose. Back in November 2022, there was an explosion in the Polish village of Przewodów, 15 miles from the Ukrainian border. Immediately, NATO members and allies, along with the media, blamed Russia. The U.S. government declared it would “defend every inch of NATO territory,” and Poland called a meeting under Article 4 of the North Atlantic Treaty. Ukrainian comedian-turned-president Volodymyr Zelensky saw an opportunity. “This is a Russian missile attack on collective security! This is a really significant escalation. Action is needed,” he screeched. Fortunately, he was ignored. It turned out the missile was likely fired by Ukrainian forces. The Polish president said the missile strike was probably an accident, and the secretary-general of NATO admitted the missile was Ukrainian. Ukraine never took responsibility; it seems it was using the incident to try to pull the United States into the conflict, which could have led to a nuclear war. This helps illustrate why NATO membership must be scrapped.
America needs to sever ties with all international organizations. Countries should be free to establish bilateral security agreements among themselves, but the UN and NATO bring more harm than the supposed benefits they confer.
The good news is that Americans’ perception of the UN has greatly soured. According to the Pew Research Center, only 52 percent of Americans view the organization favorably, down from 57 percent in 2023. And the share who say the United States benefits a great deal has dropped from 30 percent to 23 percent. Moreover, the Right is really turning on the UN. During the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference, several influential figures derided the UN. Former GOP Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz said during his speech, “The U.S. should be out of the UN and the UN out of the U.S.” He received thunderous applause. Brexit leader and British nationalist Nigel Farage said, “We want international cooperation…. We want common sense. We want it within the framework of the nation-state, not within the framework of the European Union, or the United Nations, or the increasingly appalling World Health Organization.” This too was met with loud cheers. Even Fox News’ longstanding voice for the Establishment, Sean Hannity, attacked the UN on his show multiple times.
An American renaissance cannot fully be accomplished without the elimination of the policies and institutions designed to prevent it. Fortunately, public sentiment has already begun evolving in ways that make this possible. This brings up another major transformation needed for the “Great American Comeback.”
Changing Hearts and Minds

When Robert Welch launched The John Birch Society (JBS) in 1958, he had two very specific missions in mind: to create understanding among the American public about the conspiratorial forces secretly working to destroy their nation from within, and to organize an effective, peaceful counteroffensive. Welch liked to say, “Education is our total strategy, and truth is our only weapon.” This captures the nature of the transformation needed to bring about an American renaissance.
The conspiracy has relied on deception to advance its evil agenda. The reason is obvious: If Americans were told from the beginning that the UN was created to supersede the laws of their country and eventually absorb it into a world government, there would be no UN today. If Americans knew the Federal Reserve was conceived in secret to impoverish and enslave them, there would be no Fed. If more Americans understood that “public education” in America is based on a model created by secular socialists seeking to raise up socialist-minded global citizens, the Department of Education would be a shell of what it is today.
Americans need to learn the truth about the institutions and policies that have ruined their nation, so they can get rid of them. But actions such as changing policies and eliminating unconstitutional departments don’t happen by themselves. They happen when the people understand what’s truly going on and respond appropriately.
Those who know the truth should spread the word. This part is simple in concept. Share good articles with family and friends; introduce others to informative shows and publications; and when the opportunity presents itself, take the time to explain to those who’ll listen how this great country has been systematically disassembled from within.
The educational agenda includes bringing attention to the voting records of state and federal legislators. Most federal legislators follow the Constitution less than half the time when they vote. The New American’s Freedom Index, which can be freely accessed at thenewamerican.com, is the most comprehensive tool to accurately gauge legislators’ fealty to the Constitution. Constituents should elect legislators who obey the Constitution, reform those who don’t, and oust through the electoral process those who refuse to stay true to their oaths.
In addition to education, America needs a moral revival. Without it, we cannot long remain free, since politics is downstream from culture, and culture is shaped by religious principles. As George Washington said in his Farewell Address, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” Despite the revisionist history emanating from universities and newspapers to the contrary, America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and, up until the 20th century, was overwhelmingly Christian. It’s no coincidence that the further we’ve veered from Christianity as a nation, the more depraved the people have become and the more unstable the nation has become.
It’s time to get back to the Constitution. It’s time to get back to God. It’s time for an American renaissance.