
Constitutional Supremacy, Not Judicial Supremacy

May 13, 2022 Constitution / Judiciary 0

By: TJ Martinell In response to a U.S. Supreme Court opinion, President Andrew Jackson allegedly remarked “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!” Whether he actually said ...

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The Bill of Temporary Privileges

By: Judge Andrew Napolitano Last week, the Director of National Intelligence, the data-gathering and data-concealing arm of the American intelligence community masquerading as the head of it, revealed that in 2021, ...

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Separation of Powers: A “Dogmatic Maxim” in the Constitution

By: Michael Boldin James Madison considered the separation of powers so important he not only called it a “dogmatic maxim,” he expressly included it as part of his proposed amendments for ...

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Taxation: The Price We Pay…

May 9, 2022 Federal Power / Taxation 0

By: Mike Maharrey Tax day 2021 came and went. I don’t know about you, but my wallet is lighter. As always, I had to write a big check to the IRS. ...

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The 1859 Oberlin Trial: A Victory for the Higher Law

By: TJ Martinell Months prior to John Brown’s infamous 1859 raid on Harper’s Ferry, a trial took place rooted in the same issues of slavery and federal enforcement that, while ultimately ...

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Did the Iroquois Confederation influence the Constitution? A myth they may be teaching your children

By: Rob Natelson Some schools are teaching children that the formation of the American Union, and specifically the Constitution, were influenced heavily by the pre-existing federation of the Iroquois Indians. There ...

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Dark money[1]—not the grassroots—is behind the Convention of States organizations

By Judi Caler Patriots are rightly concerned that Mark Meckler, lobbyist and President of the Convention of States organizations (COS), has spent tens of millions of dollars spreading misinformation and cajoling ...

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