The Biden Family’s Deeply Troubling History Compared to the Trump Family Is Far From Normal
There by the grace of God go all of us. I don’t write this column to make light of Hunter Biden’s long addiction issues, but to highlight a fairly stunning disconnect between how the Biden kids have turned out versus how the Trump kids have turned out. Of course, parents can’t be blamed for all the problems experienced by their adult children, as we all posses free will and are accountable for the decisions we make. Nonetheless, when a majority of one’s kids lead troubling lives, there has to be some responsibility laid at the feet of their parents.
Biden has four kids: Beau, Hunter, Naomi, and Ashley. By all accounts, Beau, who died at 46-years-old of brain cancer roughly six years after he served as a lawyer in Iraq, was a decent, law-abiding man. His third child, Naomi, tragically died when she was one-year-old in the car accident that also took the life of Biden’s first wife, Neilia. As for Biden’s remaining two kids, the results are pretty ugly. We all know the details by now, but Hunter is the opposite of everything Beau seemed to be. From his drug and porn addictions to his use of prostitutes, from his grifting to his selling access to his dad, and from his criminal tax evasions and other felonies to out-of-wedlock kids and his creepy relationship with Beau’s widowed wife, Hunter is a massive embarrassment and repulsive human being by any measure.
In terms of Ashley, beyond her tax liens for failing to pay taxes (must run in the blood) and multiple drug use incidents, there is the very bizarre issue of her diary. In her diary, as the New York Post reported, is “a passage in which Ashley wrote about taking ‘showers with my dad’ as a young girl which were ‘probably not appropriate.’” In a vacuum, that passage could simply be the misremembered or embellished memory of a young woman with drug issues, but in the context of Biden’s countless creepy encounters with young girls in which he smells their hair and touches them, it seems highly suspicious.
Again, I don’t raise these issues to pick on the Bidens; rather, I raise them because I think it undercuts the Left’ narrative about Biden being a good father and all-around decent man. Keep in mind, here are irrefutable items we know about Biden:
- Long history of plagiarism;
- Long history of racially insensitive comments;
- Long history of lying about his past, especially as it relates to his intelligence and involvement in the civil rights movement;
- Long history of cozying up to segregationists and actual white supremacists like Robert Byrd and Strom Thurmond;
- Multiple real estate transactions that appear to be windfall transactions for the Bidens;
- Using his position to help his kids, grandkids, and Hunter’s business partner’s kids gain acceptance to elite schools;
- Multiple actions involving Hunter’s and James’s business partners aimed at helping them secure lucrative payments for doing no actual work;
- Intentionally taking classified documents over three decades, showing those classified documents to people, and keeping them in unsecured locations;
- Cutting highly paid seven-figure deals for “teaching” he didn’t do and writing a book someone else wrote shortly after leaving the vice-presidency;
- Serving as one of the most partisan pit bulls in the U.S. Senate who maligned good, decent men like Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas; and
- Allegedly raping Tara Reade who provided specific details and a date when the rape occurred.
Do any of these irrefutable statements about Joe Biden sound vaguely similar to some of Hunter’s conduct? Add in the sleazy history of his brothers, James and Frank Biden, and you have a fairly sordid family history across generations. The Biden clan screams of entitlement, influence peddling, and casual rule-breaking always excused due to Joe’s powerful positions. We’ve seen that mentality before in the Kennedy clan.
In contrast, Donald Trump’s five kids (Don Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, and Barron) all appear to have lived fairly clean lives without addictions, seedy conduct, or criminality. The three older Trump kids have all had fairly successful business careers, as Tiffany is just starting her career and Barron is just a kid. Other than trumped up political cases in front of hyper-partisan left-wing judges and juries, Trump himself seems to have navigated a long career in the New York City real estate industry without running afoul of actual criminal laws. It isn’t coincidental that the lawfare assault on Trump didn’t materialize until he won the presidency in 2016—E. Jean Carroll sat on her “Law & Order” episode claims for over twenty years and New York failed to find any fraud by the Trump Organization for forty-plus years (with previous prosecutors DECLINING to sue Trump on the same facts in the past).
Odd then that the Left spends so much time claiming that the Trump family is the bad one while the Biden family is the good one. Such a stand is only possible due to massive media bias that hides the truth about the Bidens and lies about the Trumps. Just like the media did for the Kennedys and the Clintons. The media wants us to believe that poor Hunter is just a wayward son who took a few wrong left turns. The totality of what we know about the Biden family, however, makes it fairly clear Hunter is more the norm than the exception to the rule. I don’t know about you, but there is very little about the Biden family that represents any semblance of normal. The Biden brothers all hit their Peter Principle thresholds years ago, with the kids mostly serving as sponges out to absorb whatever monetary liquids they can before the “Big Guy” literally peters out.
Do you know what the biggest tell showing the depravity of Joe Biden is? After leaving the vice presidency in 2017, he had two choices: (1) be the dedicated dad Hunter so desperately needed to handle his serious issues or (2) put his own ego and narcissistic needs first to grab more political power. Joe Biden didn’t hesitate a moment in choosing himself over his son…and that is after having already lost two kids tragically. He is damn lucky Hunter didn’t overdose as he spiraled ever downward. Trump may be lots of things that make us pause, but he and his kids are nowhere near as debased as the Biden clan.
P.S. See my tweet from Saturday on another media hit piece.