
The Court and the Fed: Our Own Aristocratic Element

July 10, 2019 Uncategorized 0

by John O. McGinnis The idea of a mixed regime goes back to ancient times. Philosophers contrasted pure regimes, like democracy or oligarchy, with those that combined different classes, such ...

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The Commerce Clause and the Constitution: Not a Power to Do Whatever They Want

By: Michael Boldin The federal government claims that Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the Constitution gives it the power to regulate and control everything from healthcare, to what ...

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The verdict is in: We do not have a “conservative Supreme Court”

By: Rob Natelson The Supreme Court term just over certainly confirmed what I wrote shortly after it started: The constant refrain that the current bench is a “conservative Supreme Court” with ...

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Dueling Originalists (and Justice Thomas on Stare Decisis) in Gamble v. United States

June 24, 2019 Uncategorized 0

By: Michael D. Ramsey The Supreme Court’s decision Monday in Gamble v. United States confirms the validity of the “dual sovereigns” doctrine: that successive prosecutions in state and federal court for the ...

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