
Patrick Henry’s Virginia Resolves: Bedrock Principles of American Liberty

By: Michael Boldin   On his 29th birthday – May 29, 1765 – Patrick Henry helped spark the American Revolution. His Virginia Resolves against the Stamp Act not only dared to ...

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ATF Pistol Brace Rule: An “Experiment of your Disposition”

By: Michael Boldin With an enforcement deadline looming at the end of May, potentially affecting millions of stabilizing braces, the new ATF rule is – as the founders told us – ...

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Resistance is Crucial to the Advancement of Liberty

August 26, 2022 Freedom / God-given Rights / Liberty 0

By: Mike Maharrey Patrick Henry told us that “government is no more than a choice among evils.” Thomas Paine held the same view. In Common Sense, he wrote, “Society in every state ...

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Repeal the Patriot Act

March 9, 2020 4th Amendment 0

By: Judge Andrew Napolitano I have been writing for years about the dangers to human freedom that come from government mass surveillance. The United States was born in a defiant ...

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Oppose a Disease at its Beginning

December 8, 2019 John Adams / John Dickinson 0

By: Mike Maharrey If you give politicians an inch, they’ll take a mile. The Founders warned us about this over and over. Take John Dickinson, for example. Known as “the ...

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Patrick Henry: “If This Be Treason!”

July 11, 2019 History / Patrick Henry 0

By: Joe Wolverton II There was a time in our history when one of our finest patriot fathers is said to have waved the saber of “treason” in the face ...

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