
The Nullification Movement is a Revolution in Thought

By: Mike Maharrey We are in the midst of a revolution. But it’s not a revolution in the sense most people think of. It’s not a war fought with guns and ...

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Don’t Trust Government

By: Michael Boldin Don’t trust government. And don’t trust politicians. That can’t be repeated often enough. Unfortunately, it seems that most people trust politicians – depending on the issue or ...

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Oppose a Disease at its Beginning

December 8, 2019 John Adams / John Dickinson 0

By: Mike Maharrey If you give politicians an inch, they’ll take a mile. The Founders warned us about this over and over. Take John Dickinson, for example. Known as “the ...

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Principle over Party: We Were Warned About “Factions”

By: Michael Boldin “I would quarrel with both parties, and with every individual of each,” John Adams wrote in 1763, “before I would subjugate my understanding, or prostitute my tongue ...

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Five Great Quotes from the Founders: Liberty, Loyalty, Defense and the “Real” American Revolution

By: Michael Boldin What should we be loyal to – a politician, a leader, a political party, or something else? How should we view political statements and actions to defend ...

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