
Five Years Later Supreme Court Decision Still Hasn’t Significantly Limited Asset Forfeiture

By: Mike Maharrey   Many people believe the Supreme Court “ended asset forfeiture” with its 2019 opinion in Timbs v. Indiana. As we argued at the time, Timbs ended nothing, and follow-up cases bear ...

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Nullification Movement News: Surveillance, Asset Forfeiture, Prohibition & More

By: Michael Boldin With 2020 upon us, Michael Boldin reports on the latest nullification bills for the upcoming legislative session. From mass surveillance – stingray spying, facial recognition and others ...

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Asset Forfeiture and the Destruction of American Liberty

December 23, 2019 Asset Forfeiture 0

By: Jacob Hornberger For centuries, it has been an established tenet of Western jurisprudence that a person cannot be punished for a crime unless the government first convicts him of ...

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