
Life, Liberty, and Property: The Influence of John Locke

June 13, 2024 Founding Principles 0

By: Joe Wolverton, II   Despite attempts by educrats and those who would have us ignorant of history to remove him from general public knowledge and conversation, John Locke remains a ...

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No Emergency Powers in the Constitution

By: Jacob Hornberger   It has become an article of faith that under our system of government, federal officials can declare an emergency, which then purportedly authorizes federal officials to exercise ...

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The Real Enforcement Mechanism for the Constitution

By: Michael Boldin   Almost everything people learn about how the Constitution is supposed to be enforced is wrong. As a result, we live under the largest government in history, and ...

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Informing the Founders: A Short History of Standing Armies in England

November 9, 2023 Founding Principles 0

By: TJ Martinell The founding generation harbored a deep distrust of standing armies. This flowed not only from their first-hand experience with the British, but also from arguments against permanent military ...

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The Petition of Right of 1628: A Forgotten Cornerstone of Our Constitution

November 7, 2023 Founding Principles 0

By: Joe Wolverton, II Three hundred and ninety-five years ago, one of the most important documents in the history of the creation of the United States Constitution became law, though today ...

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Neither Liberty Nor Safety

By: Judge Andrew Napolitano Benjamin Franklin’s famous one-liner about the relationship between liberty and safety has intrigued me since I first read it in high school. Why would anyone sacrifice personal ...

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Countering Relentless Propaganda and Widespread Ignorance

November 2, 2023 Education / Founding Principles 0

By: Michael Boldin Thomas Jefferson warned us. “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” The people ...

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Mandates Again? Refuse to Comply. Nullify.

By: Michael Boldin With reports of mask mandates coming back  – and predictions of them becoming widespread in the near future – we’re glad to see a pretty significant number of ...

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The 2nd Amendment isn’t your “Gun Permit.” You Are.

By: Michael Boldin If you’re anything like me, your skin crawls anytime you hear someone say something like “the 2nd Amendment is the only gun permit I’ll ever need!” While I ...

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America isn’t “One Nation” and that Matters

By: Mike Maharrey The Pledge of Allegiance is wrong. These United States are not “one nation, indivisible.” They are a federation. This may seem like semantical nitpicking, but it is an ...

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