
Fiat “Money” is Backed by Nothing: End the Fed from the Bottom Up

November 20, 2019 Federal Reserve 0

By: Michael Boldin At one time, the U.S. monetary system was backed by gold. Now it’s not backed by anything. A recent poll shows that only 7% of people go ...

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Today in History: Nixon Slams Shut the “Gold Window”

By: Mike Maharrey Today in history, on August 15, 1971, President Richard Nixon slammed shut the “gold window” and eliminated the last vestige of the gold standard. Nixon ordered Treasury ...

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Why Do Central Bankers Oppose a Gold Standard?

July 19, 2019 Economy / Federal Reserve 0

By: Mike Gleason Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s testimony before Congress was closely scrutinized not just for its economic implications but also for its political overtones. Powell cited “trade tensions” ...

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Interview: Weaponizing the Dollar

July 3, 2019 Federal Reserve 0

By: Mike Maharrey I appeared on RT International to talk about how the U.S. government weaponizes the dollar and uses it as a foreign policy billy club. RT invited me ...

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Signed as Law: Kansas Removes Barrier to the Use of Gold and Silver as Money

By: Mike Maharrey TOPEKA, Kan. (May 22, 2019) – Last week, Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly signed a bill exempting gold and silver bullion, and other precious metals, from the state ...

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How the Fed Wrecks the Economy

By: Mike Maharrey When people talk about the economy, they generally focus on government policies such as taxation and regulation. For instance, Republicans credit Pres. Trump’s tax cuts for the ...

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Trump Is No Enemy of the Fed

By: Mike Maharrey A lot of people labor under a misconception that President Donald Trump opposes the Federal Reserve. While the president has leveled a great deal of criticism at ...

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Federal Reserve Appears Poised to Resume Monetizing U.S. Government Debt

By: Mike Maharrey It looks like the Federal Reserve is about to get back into the bond business and help the US government deal with its massive debt. The Treasury ...

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Trump Wants Obama-Style Monetary Policy

By: Mike Maharrey President Trump wants the Federal Reserve to relaunch Obama-era monetary stimulus. That means inflation. Trump started ratcheting up criticism of Federal Reserve monetary policy months ago. As ...

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Fiat Money and the Promise of Cryptocurrency

by John O. McGinnis Last weekend, I spoke at the Federalist Society Student Convention on the subject of cryptocurrency. When I became a member of the small band that was ...

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